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One Night With The Hot Doctor

Chapter 4 Bella Martin 4

Word Count: 2217    |    Released on: 18/05/2022


next to me in bed, looking like a fairy - tale prince in this palace in the sky. But the pain in my

im. I crept around a little, careful not to make too much sound, picking up my underwear. What happened to my dress? Oh, I just recalled. The living room. Didn't he live by himself? Wouldn't there be someone like a housemate catching me naked on the gro

e back of the bathroom door over my dress. I didn't care if I looked like I was on the walk of shame on a Sunday morning, but...I actually did. A pullover over a white dress and heels was less obvious "I got some" than a stunning gown. I took a hair tie from my

wake Martin. Or perhaps I was starting to hope for it. In any case, the elevator arrived and I was taking a walk out onto the

a Bay glistened through the trees. My grandma lived just a few blocks away. It's only a ten-minute walk. On my way home, I could stop for baked goods and coffee, as well as pick up Yzee. And there was no way I wa

d started knocking on Abuela's door, baked goods in hand, wearing my olde

chest. I really can not take my mind off of him. I'd said it was just a one night, that it was all we had, but it felt like last night had changed som

ey and opened the door. I've got corn muffins for you, Abu

ans. This is a far cry from Martin's condo's expansive views and sophisticated interiors. My min

s from the holder. "I decided to bring you a cafe latte, Abuela. Are you still sleeping,

nd round and huggable, still in her night gown. "Bel

ng more attent

ng more attent

dn't you give

the physician at the new clinic down the street. It's a good thing you


r. He's going to give you something. Don'

I'm supposed t

only a minor detail. She'll get anti

I'd been working the night before, and Yzee had been with Abuela despite of what I did after work. I suppressed the rational thought and promised myself I'd never do th

, honey, I'l

do not have to be in command at all times. Relax. Doctor Lawson's appointment is in an hour. A

f. I wanted to cry. As I sat by Yzee's bedside, brushing sweat-stained curls back, it did occur to me that I wasn't just

shed to see him once more. And I wouldn't s

re her by brushing the mess out of her curly hair; instead, I drew it back into a frizzy ponytail. She cried after she saw the chocolate chip muffin, her favorite and something I didn't normally l

thing to do with a charity and good works or something like that. I stopped paying attention to the receptionist because Yzee was seated in the waiting room, looking u

la De G

as familiar to me. That's Martin's vo

out of my lap, clutching my hand and d

ldn't look at him. I couldn't do it. I

uced herself; even when she was sick, she enjo

is Dr. Lawson. Okay, let's take you and yo

ave a

quired, turning to face me, w

ze was

were greener like jade last night, but they were dusty gr

d guiding her back to his office while I closely followed behind, speechless. My one-night billionaire pri

just before the door to the wa

uired because I was

moment there," she smiled, a sparkle in her black eyes. "He's adorab

e you attempting to set me up with a doctor?" I hissed, hoping Martin wouldn't hear. Or Yzee, for th

feelings about things. I have a pleasant vibe about you

an't be

here are any ethical considerations in matchmaki

am? " My heart really ca

ded and

even said goodbye to the receptionist. I needed to see my daughter. As well as the pediatric

third time, I did stop feeling ashamed about what we'd done the night before and began to be irritated that he was trying to pretend it wasn't me sitting in his office with my sick daughter. Perhaps the re

edication. "Give that to your mom," Yzee said as he nodded and ran over to where

than the top of Yzee's head. And he looked fantastic. He was dressed neatly in black jeans and a long-sleeve

ired sweetly, then added a firm, "Doctor L

his focus to my daughter, his tone light and friendly once more. "Why don't you go to my receptionist, Mia, and ask for a lollipop?"

away. Stickers were her downfa

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