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One Night With The Hot Doctor

Chapter 5 Bella Martin 5

Word Count: 2175    |    Released on: 18/05/2022


hold onto it. I'd had the entire consultation to gather my thoughts. Fortunately, all Yzee needed was antibi

had just stepped into my office when I assumed I'd lost her had

he one I used when I didn't want anyone to know how I felt. I was worried that if I told

d to be polite. I stifled a grin. "Stop acting l

no idea how I could still taste her, hear her pleasure in my ears, and feel her flesh under my fingers as I grabbed her and pushed into he

rip her old Rolling Stones t-shirt off and get my lips on those breasts. I really want to unzip her jeans

know exactly what was going through my head ev

turned a deep red. "You didn't

rom the truth it was indeed hilarious. I really wanted to keep her. I really wanted to kiss her. I

We had stated that it would only be one night. I didn't want to limit myse

aused her to arch her back and show me the curve of her magnificent tits. I had to choke down my growing desire. I had to keep in mind t

a different kind of life. But this was her real world. Daughter. scuffed sneakers There was no makeup on her remarkably beautiful face. Those soft lips and war

why you don'

and snorted. "You can see h

was, a one-night thing, which made going to bring her daughter to a doctor who turned out to be some lovesick guy huffing and puffing after her

ts about sleeping with you. It was...it was fantastic." She exhaled a d

he office around us. "And it all just got a whole lot more complicated. You're

ntended to be a

ted anything like that. She was the only one who insisted o

to be clear. Please give us a chance. I ac

r." My daughter is nine years old. "I'm

p but chuckle

re. I could be out, or get my private jet and go abroad to have a vacation, I don't know. Having sex with hollywood stars. Making a fortune through shady business practi

in this situation. I could tell she cared about me and us. I

ether would be impossible," I dismiss

want us to b

ded. I'm going to leave it up to her. I didn't even think she is doing this on purpose when she flickered her lashes again. She was on the verge of fleeing, and I had to do everything I could to keep her from fleei

The air between us instantly heated up. I smiled as she coul

ght, but what actually occurred to us?" That was unique. What did we have?

I could feel her desire for me,

th mine. I felt Butterflies' wings flapped n toahcm smyi. She gasped, and her hands went

l hanging in the air. She swayed on her feet, and I felt sure she'd pass out

il she couldn't remember her own name, but I didn't. I really want her to be as enamored with me as I was with her. "I like you eve

smeared jeans and raggedy sneakers. I would want her to live that life with me because she appe

e truth and just shitt

t couldn't take my smile off my

ss and makeup that I liked. And here you are in your old Rolling stones t-shirt right in front of me."

rvously looking up at me. "I really n

ed I could have seen her in my sweats

," she replie

ain, and I'd take a "I'm

ee you again, but I understand you were not really looking for

nd it was all I could do not to snatch her hand and pull her into a kiss. I fought back. Her gaze roved over my chest, shoulders, and arms,

ad. I bit my lower lip and kept my gaze fixed

n call me. If you don't want to, I'm glad I

t of my office. She started gathering her daughter a

," Yzee said as

aid as they opened the door to star

dark lashes, her eyes brimming with fire. I smiled as she

g, yet, Dr. Lawson, but I have real

ionist. I was still staring at th

n on what

hing I've always had. You're

er almond-shaped black eyes stood out again

my heart was racing at her words and something inside of me knew she wa

for an instant. She reattached her colorful scarf

ze to the abandoned doorway

. Everything will be fin

as a doctor, I was hoping

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