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Vicky Van


Word Count: 2435    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

d been imperative, and Inspect

he big burly inspector said, as he

r," said the doctor, fr

he whole aspect of the

bijou residence, it bec

area door below. Headquarters was notified of details. The coro

len? Where is the lad

the servants? Who

of questions so im

he was reticent. I, too, hesitated to s

gravely concerned

babble. That girl didn

ed. "She was in the dining-room, but she isn't here

pector. "Stay where you

cover the

jump, and Mason continued. "Tell the story,

id notes in a little book, keeping his eye on the door, and dartin

ost favored of Miss Van Allen's friends, but he

n that I know nothing. He is a stranger to all of us, and he

to come? Friend o

re with-" I paused. It was so hard to know what to

re with whom?

ruth" I returned, shor

n Ste

is Mr.

ple here, and, naturally, some of them we

caped. But we are getting nowhere. Does nobo

a delightful man. He told me he was a grea

was endeavoring to learn from the dead

turned out the pockets. "Not unusual-in evening togs-

said Ariadne, bridl

he case was a picture of a coquettish face, undoubtedly that of an actress. It wa

recently stuck in. Some chicken he took

he inspector's attitude. Though I knew nothing of Somers, and didn't altogether like

eight keys, eyeglasses in a silver case, handkerchiefs, a gold pencil, a knife, and such t

letters on the handkerchiefs, and a

earl studs, a watch fob, set with a black opal and pearl cufflinks. Examination of h

ector, musingly. "What

o several, but Mr. Somers does not belong to any

Let's find out somethin

to the door of the butler's pantry, and

house servant

plied, looking shudderingly at

house of this type!

Allen has a very capable woman, who is housekeeper and ladies' maid in o

eeper. And where is M

said the policeman Breen,

" cried Mrs. Reeve

ery room-every floor.

body upsta

id?" demanded Mason.

ll me all you kn

d, shaking with terror, and w

ng about it," he began

all about it! Did

o! No! a th

h to be suspected of

rrival, also a detective and a couple of plain c

that had been learned so far, and though Coroner Fenn seemed to think matters ha

obody upstairs?

d cranny. I've raked the whole house

ch upstairs again. Somebody may be hiding. Who

Reeves. "Or Miss Gale. We

that if Miss Van Allen has fled from this house it was out of sheer fri


Julie is an all round capable woman. When there are no guests she prepares Miss

are no othe

nd chore boy come by the day, also cleaning women and such. But I kno

entify the body. Mason, call up the principal clubs on the telephone, and loc

ammered incoherently, a

cking in him? I mean, is it one belonging to Fraschini's

it is one of our boning knives," he sa

clear yourself and your men

room now and then to see if it was time. I heard, presently, Miss Van Allen's voice, also a man's voice. I didn't want to intrude, so waited for a summons. After a

en's guests incli

and Ariadne looked indignant. "And for that reason, I felt

did yo

ooking down at this-this gentleman on the floor, and making as if to pull out the knife. I could scarcely believe my eyes, and I watched her. She didn't

did s

room, and I did. I looked at the gentleman, and I didn't know what to do. So I went into the hall, to the pa

chair with a sob. Fenn looked at him, and

said, turning to us. "C

f this

I. "I am positive Miss Van Allen did not know Mr. Somers and cou

provocation she may ha

have said or done something to annoy or offend Miss Van Allen. Well, if he had done so, Victoria Van Allen never would have killed him! She is the gentlest, most gay and light-

nation of some sort-if it isn't a deliberate falsification. Miss Van Allen is

Mr. Garrison. Why did M

e frightened at this thing-if she saw it-she may have run out of the do

If she did come out here-and saw this awful

en?" asked Fenn. "Wh

diate relatives, I know nothing at all. I've known her a year or so, and as she never referred to such matters I ne

e. "I'm sure of her fineness o

adies, don't help our

n tell us? What I want

o learn more of R. Some

n inquest until these

you found ou

le belongs to three of them, but this man doesn't seem to belong to any. That is, there are Somerses an

epresented him. Did y

found his residence, a bachelor apartm

Van Allen; find the maid

Miss Van Allen went away, I've no doubt Julie went wit

dish w

etween thirty-

she lo

Ariadne, you'

asses, and she stoops a little in her walk. She has perfect training and correct manners, and she is a model servant

rs b

conspicuous aprons and no cap. She's not quite


that's what you mean

on't you, M

? Yes, of

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