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My cousin my lover

Chapter 2 Got what I wanted

Word Count: 653    |    Released on: 24/05/2022

ame, I made him o though am such a shame now I just push him away from me. The next day, my mom came back home, after I greeted her, she asked me about Unie and I kept quite and then she went in her

pray to God to make him come, I miss him and I want to talk to him , I have been wanting to apologies but he do give me time, but I don't regret what I did 5 years ago. Today comes, the birthday every one is here, but accept Unie, I asked mother if Unie called but he did not and this time I felt some one gentle holding my arm, and I turned, it's him, it was him, I felt so happy and it was very obvious that I was into him, he greeted my mother, and told me I got you a gift but I can't give it to you here, let's go in your room. Mother left us while he was still talking. When we went in my room, I was telling him that I have I have some thing to tell him too and I need to talk to him today. When we reached in the room, he closed the door and locked it. He turned my side and he kissed me aggressi

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