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Billionaire's Unwanted Bride


Word Count: 1124    |    Released on: 23/05/2022


bath. I have an 8:00am class. It is already 7

ontact with from my closet and wear it. I don't have time to

up and realize she dropped it there the night before. I take it to the kitchen before walking to t

a. They are whispering. They stop when they notice my prese

your mother?" She ask

at was she t




as a lot to talk to me about but the news we heard yest

ol premises, Pamela parks

ecause we have just a few minutes to th

ture, my eyes interlock with T

ntered the hall for my


" Pamela demands from me as we find our way to the parking


e way he


wers. "That's

mind th

hat happened?" She

how disappointed they would all be if I didn't come. He didn't even care

t when you

Maybe he thinks I am lying

f. "I thought you told him yo

sharply. "Why

glances at you in class l

ollapsed and was rus

enough, I don't even feel attracted to him, until the day he asked me out on a

feel when he gets to know I am pregnant and my baby has no father. I just pray our paths don't ever cr

you to collapse like you did

and I know we are supposed to but I am

d the news, my fever had vanished and it is as if I was never sick. I feel strong

, I won't."

t. She wants us to talk about the pregnancy. I smile

the ride with Pamela. She is neither a

e no idea what the woman does in there and Pamela doesn't like talking about her mom and what she

wanting to talk about the pregnancy. Her silence means she is giving me the space and time that

ll me whenever you need me, I will always be here for you. And pleas

u that?" My


hat mom told Pamela

orrow, love"

ch her drive away. I sigh deeply and turn back to go to the house. I know m

ng hits my nostril. I realize I haven't eaten anything since morning

me by this ti

d by the door, thinking of

he little baby she treats me as, I am about to b

m appears from the kitchen with an apron, tears begin to wash down

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