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Billionaire's Unwanted Bride


Word Count: 1247    |    Released on: 23/05/2022


uestions me. I blink at him severally with

e he broke up with me and I haven't seen him. Now, I wish to see him, even if it

was break my heart into shreds. I am still trying to pick up the pieces of my broken hea

three months since Cameron broke up with me but it still feels like a da

asked me to be his girlfriend but I rejected him. If I accept to go on this date, does it

e. We are sitting in the school cafeteria and

chool this morning so I told Pam I am going

give in. He beams in excite

to his hearing. His body is calm as I say that. He

We will ta

shoulder, ready to go home. I am beginning to feel dizzy again just l

ony. Thanks for lunch

h a wide grin. He is really h

at him and walk towa

e to pick you up when it's

nod at him wit

tters as we are walking towards the c

need to",

you home",

inking it is because of the exercise routine I just commenced after three months. I sto

te. Someone is going to be so

s, it's too soon, I'm not read

to cry over spilled milk?" S

it's t

w it turns out. I want you to enjoy tonight. The la

, remembering what happened and t

Pam laughs. "Beca

er to stop teasing. I am uncomfor

t like talking about t

not proud of

ot proud of something as amazing as you getting laid on the second day after your break up? It's


amela rolls h

the parking lot and fin

ly happy if you ac

d I almost stumbled to the ground but I grip the car handle. I hold it firmly and clo

is it,

moment I close my eyes again, I find myself f


Pamela. Pamela is sitting beside the bed looking at me in

, she

on the other side of my bed. I turn slowly to meet the green eyes of my

I call

efly on the bed. When she pulls

my father died, she has been working her ass off to

mom?" I demand


I turn to face Pamela. She smiles


ill feeling feverish", I ignore

ou but he is yet to tell us

s. I can't afford to lose y

ne, mom," I

er will be heartbroken if it turns out to be a life-threatening disease. I

mother stands

doctor beams at me. I

y mother asks the docto

at the doctor in anticipation. The smile on the doctor's face is evident enough that it

pregnant. Congratulations

ll exclaime

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