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Breaking The Rules MxM

Chapter 5 5 - Chosen One.

Word Count: 1798    |    Released on: 27/05/2022

ds to her usually authoritative, demeaning persona. “This little tiff is not to leave the walls of this room under any circumstances. Do you understand, Mr Cartwright?” She thrusted th

tically begging me to save her son's reputation and yet, she was still gutsy enough to force me to

as it my fault that we weren't vastly known in little Todos Santos because we didn't originally belong there, and that we

at Ryan or minding his possessive hand clamped down hard around my thighs. In any case, if it was me

, in front of me. Despite my reservations and her ill-mannerisms, I picked the cheque

ck. It made me a lot less remorseful doing all those

he was baiting me. I wondered if it was

ailing his mother.

it made people twisted. I used to think she was just making a fuss out of nothing. Money was always

situation and get Dad his normal drug prescriptions. The responsibilities of the family

n. I wasn't about to let her think she'd won me over by just a few thousand bucks hence why I fixed her a fierce, analytic

s she held my gaze, seemingly holding back her bre

out of her office with a soli

oney changing people, Nonna was right. I witnessed the transformation first hand that day with the landlord all because I was generous enough to part ways with a few hundred bucks apart from the rent. Dad was

prior to the parking lot incident, which left me with no clue whatsoever. I couldn't place a thought to the Genesis of this whole new infatuation he had with me, having never met him before then. Could he be working for some

nce want anything more to do with me? We weren't exactly dating back at high

ionships. I hated being the elder. It made things just so uncomfortable for me as a younger partner was frowned upon by society, and in gay relationships, the elder was condemne

xual partners, and with the rave of sexually transmitted diseases, I had to keep my pa

if he decided he wanted to fuck me. In any case, he'd always have dear Mummy Dearest to throw money about to keep his record stainless while I rot behind bars cause she was sure as hell telli

k me, the imperfect little wimp whom she detested and saw as

hen the figure scooted a chair back, and pushed the dazzling mass of golden hair back before flashing me a lo

ed, putting on a stern look in a bid to scare him off but it see

ve a feisty tem

rse than my bark. I wouldn't

ments like a lost puppy. “I like it when my prey try to convince

sion you've ever made in your youthful life. Nobody likes a failed man, and you'd be

kening menacingly. When he saw how shaken I was by his outburst, he smiled, drew his legs up across the table so he was sitting

between the two of us. “We're having nothing together

was like telling a snake to be nice a

where it all went wrong. Maybe I was cursed for pushing that girl off the slide at schoo

spanning the entire desk. The devious twinkle in his eyes reminded me once again that his age wa

ooked so laid back I'd die to have that type of peace of mind. That self assurance

vous and oh-so fucking turned on. It was such a combination that had my stomach tightening in knots for two diffe

ewhat robotic voice. “Because,” he said slowly, his soft pink parting as he drank me in. “It's my

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