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Breaking The Rules MxM

Breaking The Rules MxM

Author: Demi-Dean

Chapter 1 1 - Rock Bottom.

Word Count: 1213    |    Released on: 27/05/2022

udents of the twelve graders about the mass failure recorded in the last Literature test. I trust your father mus

f your temporary appointment here so I can…see where I can help out.” Principal Churchill droned, lift

filled with awards the school had won to the fierce unsmiling lady watching me wi

mind Ma’am, I

and consulting her brown leather watch. “I’d like you to know I have mo

failure Ma’am. They’ve simply refused to be attentive in class and threatening them with detention

hed your control over the class which is

s disrespectful to teache

ears ago. It all depends on your demeanor in your first class with them. I have cause to believe you’d b

ly because I thought it’d mak

ou that method is outdated? Students are wild these days and the best way to combat th

g with the school council in five minutes. I trust you’d think over what we’d just discusse

ward the outer boy’s bathroom. Anger, humiliation, and self-loathing whooshed t


into attentive human beings. To add to my list of misfortunes, this little mishap made Principal Churchill delay my salary till the middle of the month to see if there’d be an improvement in my Literature classes with the twelve

breakup message through text this morning telling me she found someone mu

g home without a pussy waiting and I was in no m


it all

ight after I accepted thi

ulfill my lifelong dream to become a professional footballer. That was what my father had wanted for me and I’d worked towards it my whole damn life. I’d won trophies just as big and glassy as tho

om the security point at the airport, they’d told me to take a dive. Fifty-five minutes into the match, I literally did. Dive

orry for myself, and seeing a therapist, my dad got into a really bad accident that left his car wrecked and a few limbs broken. His hands and legs were all in castes and there was no way he could teach with those, so I volunteered to be his substitute

ow I hate it with ev

ipal Churchill was one of the most influential women in town and her polished bitchery was infamous to its indigenes. And she absolu

ago for obvious reasons and she gets to bang a new man every week. Seriously, what sort of example is she setting for her son? Won’t she deflate her giant-s

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