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Occult Rule Of Abraham Tonnel

Chapter 2 The reign of Abraham

Word Count: 1271    |    Released on: 31/05/2022


t disturbed him how a menacing creature like that had escaped from

astle, a mighty and gorgeous structure t

and if he noticed the shivering guards and maids that b

, Abraham Tonnel snatched everything he wanted, bel

per that went well to chill the entire room. Co

would answer most accurately without

onde maid forced the

but went on after second thought, "His Majesty is stil

et steps towards the master chamber the size of a s

found himself attracted to that chamber, his fa

ore the large door leading to where thi

e always carried along, words didn't need to be said before the

nd admired it for some time. Maybe his "s

im, he went deeper in while he brought hi

re was going to be his soon enough. Now he smirked, so

f-dead state, something concluded to be the end of his time h

when he felt weight compress the p

e even got more pleased when the King's face paled in frigh

unsuccessfully. Obviously, he was feelin

over his father's in mock pity, clutching the fingers tight when he tried to p

tivity, "You can continue your torture for all I care! Ki

ire touch that scared the life out of the old man. As though it was a candle wick, a considerable siz

ome?" But somehow, his words failed him as t

do, " Killing you was my plan a long time ago old man, whether or

n on his lips was a cold smirk, " I'll speak to my dear old f

rules with every ounce of bone he harbours. I could make him make your stay pleasurable for you…or," the Prince turned back to his palm an

gined. The flames formed a figure he was sure was supposed to be him, and th

to break out of his trance and

body as his father's men swarmed in and rushed past either side of him to the man in the bed. He didn't

the Royal

on when he heard that, knowing fully we


, harbouring potions and shrubs that were suppose

her through, she pushed the oak d

pproached the curtains. With a glowing mood, she parted the

fell her, cold and dead. It made her

h the covers. But this time, it wa

color, and his lips slumped open with ha

hing else


tion, her breath c


difference from those of any other person. It was either the story surr

k liquid from its nostrils. To them, it was a terr

he point the corpse was buried six feet under. There was no

is horse and mounted it perfectly, a monstrous size

read anytime soon. And that was

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