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Occult Rule Of Abraham Tonnel

Chapter 4 Banishment

Word Count: 1521    |    Released on: 31/05/2022


ng it possessively while he let his h

dazed from the moment. It was the blonde maid from the other day. An

ped her jaw upward and ran his tongu

tifled a moan, digging he

uld play in

er, he was in the height of arousal. But then something sharp pricked into th

ad to learn the painful way that

King was

ws went deeper through her, immediat

se of her throat were fangs; c

thout biting. But her voice of plea were reduced t


ocently, "I just tend to get hungry when aroused, and I feed

w of a smile, "You are going to be King Abraham. You ca

r usefulness here on Earth. Surely losing a littl

ly at him. Finally, she sighed, "You k

messing with her patience, he declared, " Oh! Because

ey thought I meant harm, which I didn't. Wait till

ill me? I don't find it exciting preaching my immortality to you every bl

ted her head expectantly, half expecting the l

e me three sacrificial bodies of blood and I ca

n the most disturbing of ways, "Do not forget the purpose of your reincarnation Abraham;

d not say any

in then, a brunet of fifteen, having one of th

ran to him, wrapping his arms ab

etting out a dramatic gasp, "Ramiel.

, "Ignore your mother! You are welcom

tap and said, "I have to leave

fter a short smile to the


very heart that watches now, " the vicar declared with the golden crow

ad of the young man…immortal. Either way. Even when he kne

he King's face…sini

with his usual calm and turned around to rel

lad about it…even mor

ve grip and rose along the short flight

at was once a

e cries of helplessness, old men shake th

me, seething together in the co

as his now…t

spark of flame fli


e might as well have

her eyes lost in the distance. Tears left trails on her che


been asking herself

ke rain! As exciting as it should have been, it also meant she got to live within th

ld her in any longer. Now she found herself gro

its majestic now and then that m

spell that she hadn't done some

reality as her do

around a bit before finally stammering the words, "Your

is lips, he turned away

…where everyo

a swish of her cloak, she staggered out and followed the man, her eyes wat

e living room and noticed a small family gathering, several gasps

t n

e locked in

e, their chests falling and risin

g new

s had swollen from crying. Automatically, she began stalking closer. But

and took one knowing look at all of

n't mea

yes, forced her shivering body still, and spoke up,

ny better at shielding the fear, "We do not know who you are anymore…or what you are. But until you are able

s much as she tried to understand, an

to erupt, she felt the blood in he


dropped to the fl

she planned to d

up killing me in one of those possessive smokescreens of yours, at least I w

up at Sam Singh and tipped he

e fol

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