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Bounded with you

Bounded with you


Chapter 1 Family

Word Count: 2144    |    Released on: 31/05/2022

e baby was brought to him by the middle a

s if time stopped. After the mid wife, a tall muscular figured man came out to

swaddled baby boy to Elder Jonas who h

ly. Eyes closed, yet the little lips of t

The mid wife informed

t. He gave the mid wife a signal to leave then

said with excite

lly" The m

uin his life and he just came to the world" Jonas

ambitious?" Brandon asked and rolled his eyes

velled him that he co

as come" Jonas reminded and looked at the man who lo

ic!" He

nto tears crying because of th

girls and their sons why bot

andfather's will but we gave been producing girls. Two strong men is bet

had no choice, he couldn't make any decisi

l line. He found out about the prophecy when his first daughter was bor

Jonas was forc

on asked Jonas who was still swaying t

n this crucial situa

walked away from the old man and ba

with a warm blanket. She was in a deep slumber after putting

rformed their w

im and walked towards the king si

ly come for us to end this bloody war between the dyna

yes w

had no choice. There was going to be peace and the dynasti


to a baby. A new born for that matter. He couldn't sleep, who would slee

e could see through, he mind w

e Aries wolf dynasty which had been happening since the beginning of time. It

ere spilling water. His heart started racing. He placed hims


ghts. His room was huge and the b

ys studied and practised his strength though when failed he was always laughed at by his brothers and was always c

in the future as a lone but

ile before h


t night neither did he feel tired at the time he woke up. His

wed him self to the large bathroom and showered sc

y. He wore black trouser and a black turtle neck shirt. He w

hall dodging the servants who were walking from one place to another in the enormous mansion which wa

calm voice cal

lips and fac

en eyes were like a black hole that could suck out someone'

urry my dear?" Char

hameleon. He always woke up early to meet his brothers at

dynasty. We knew that he was time to tell Logan everything which he took as

as ice but he was

here mother" Logan ans

ry straight forward. She walked closer

reen eyes of Logan was inherited from

ay from life" She

t want to get bethroted to anyone" Logan said

y son" Charlotte whispered

many lives by doing

s negative feelings were always quicker

y would this child come this world to torture him. He d

e had seen countless of dead bodies in his life. He had to do it for everyo

tte st

it mother"

elieved a

be with the wrong person forever but it wasn'

her son with the heav

echless. But he ha


y" He

ical twins came out. Only their hair was the difference. Justi

ro" Jackso

d so adorable especially wi

d worried of

oaned and ran away down the

n looked at each

d removed his phone from his p

n't help but to sigh with guilt. He thought about h

on si

aby. He knew that no matter how he always made fun of Logan

n pain only when he was like three years old. He was the type that hated failure a

walked down the h


ce dynasty royals reported that they were going to do th

ere coming. He was filled with rage but what could he do e

sitting room. The chandalier added to th

ue eyes watered continuously and tears followed down his cheek

ir son crying. Tiana placed Felix in the cradle but he didn't sto


in their home. She held herself not to growl. B

walked in escouted by a guard who bo

idn't stop his wa

ed like he needed pure attention and love. His eyes went to the cra

nsion and anger between them that they needed a mira

ach other was so deadly and the cry

scream but sudde

en in Brandon a

were amazed by the i

heeks of the cute baby who kept gig

he saw excitement st

't help t

e smiled at Felix who suddenly pulled L

The baby chanted

f the baby. The baby left his hair and

diately and the baby

s and patted the baby who stopped as he fel

hocked and impresse

me?" Logan gir

ana answer

rothed to him" Loga

le Logan and Felix were comfort

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