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Bounded with you

Chapter 2 Blue eyed puppy

Word Count: 2313    |    Released on: 31/05/2022

with all his might but that didn't stop the men from following h

ed his hand on his chest then remov

ccomplished. A small wind blew around him

those guys and abandoned him instantly. He obeye

ed away from the fence. The gu

!" One shouted a

whimpered like a puppy in pain as hi

were s

him and ran

rubbed his neck then


t if something happened to him, she would be doomed. But she knew what her brother was capable o

y. She was going downstairs for d

o everyone would noti

she saw the blonde haired young adult run

ve as usual. They had four ch

in his life. biting the chicken ruth

ot like a dog" S

le Brandon's mind was elsew

Felix yet she was his bully. Rein

ked at her and the plate of spicy wings in front

like a princess. She and Reina inherited their father's features of h

blonde hair same with Felix her brother but she had brown eyes while Felix also inhe

ked at her and Scarlett gave her a

Felix happily

s" He

everything he wanted their father was so strict to him. Brandon really made Felix to fear and hate him beca

ip wasn't that stable especi


lier above as he looked at his mothe

and I have ma

e pushed someone off the roof. He wished he would just pushe

throat and look

turned" Tiana

d a bit that he almost choke

. OK" He

r brother's shocked

she was uncomfortable but no attention w

is back after six

heart was beating so fast that he pray

e thought t

ieked and

at his face

ana laughed at

rassed but had t

ess in another country. He was sure that humans were dwelling in that country then here wh

ts?" Brandon snapped Fe

had a stern face. Felix sighed

't allowed

led hi

ow " he said and looked at h

here tomorrow" Brandon told his son who lo

t was happening. His father kept answerin

nsion between their father and their brothe


er country and you are leaving the d


ed and bow


shocked an

more happy since Logan is back

p but he held it and ma

s, you can leave him too and once you are done,

ana asked a

He is only attached to Logan. Do

from the scene w

ve you forgotten the reason of t

rustration and digged

it there" He

him school away from us?" S

stand" Brandon gro

a si

me sense into him?

u know how he i

irked stood up and walked

t stay from us!"

n already he isn't a baby cub anymore" Reina tol

ow does he know that, he doesn't fe

a si

and stormed out o

er mother and

fine mother"

rong with him today" Tiana whisp

tered and Reina

r was imagining he

idn't make the decision mother, s

and force


n how he was going to leave his home to another cou

rong headache and he could

epressed. Waking up late and

activated when a familia

and he was expecting a tease. Felix rolled his eyes but his heart and soul was filled with exciteme


l prefect muscline figure. He looked like a god by his

elt anxious as his green eyes scanned the s

six ye

all. The rugged looking dark haired Reina

d that it ran down her spine. She intrigued by this beauty, he looked like god, a

et and the dark shirt he was wearing revealed his

mentioned her name was like he

led and w

nde haired youngster became visible. His blue

nd slow steps like he was a shy toddle

s green eyes which were like gem shields so fierce. His heart shape lips that anyone who die to touch and the perfect nose

the youngster bringing him out of his th

his hands, h

t" Logan

small as Felix b

man" He told Fe

orry" Felix apo

ed at the

nose, small pink lips. He had grown taller almost as Log

n no

old Felix who nodded with a

The servants were staring as if they had seen a ghost. They couldn't

d but he had become so unbelievable handsome. He looked like those hot villai

nnocent but his mind wouldn't take anyone to a good place after death.

the glass door and he and Logan walked into the garden of flowe

ach other. Logan still looked emotionless yet he was scanning

" Logan asked him as a

m just bothered"

e anything" Log

ogan, he looked like a b

r some years too" Felix told Logan who was

gan asked, Feli

ogan's long

that he is more prefect in looks and body " He thought. he grinned then

d at the blue eyed puppy who grinned mischievously which suddenly

ave" Felix said, he


ich made Felix

py" Logan said with a smal

ce someone called him that. Logan always c

atured than the last time he saw him, he looked like

an called snapping Fe

inked an

" He

e actually made the youngster in f

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