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Extraordinary Love Story

Chapter 3 Sign contract for saving family

Word Count: 1016    |    Released on: 12/06/2022

back to their rooms. After that, she looks around and tells him, "Done". Victor said, "First, I must say I feel sorry for your loss". She said, "Why are you coming here?". Victor said,

She said, "I don't know what are you talking about please go back home and take your stuff with you". Victor said, "I leave it here and wait for your reply". She said, "How can you appear in front of me like this?". Victor was turning around and said, "I am sorry for what I have done to you in the past". She said, "You should have an emotional face before you come to meet me". Victor said, "Oh! my face is always like this so you should understand me". She said, "There had nothing changed in you". Victor said, "Tell me if you go to the meeti

s were greeting her politely and the assistant of her father come up to take her to the meeting room. She walked into the building without holding back. She needed to face it somehow. She had nothing in her mind. But she tried to hold her temper to keep calm. Her hands were shaking a lot but she hide them under her long coat. This time was the horrible time of her life. If she didn't give the answer and listened to shareholders and stakeholders' words, she will never know how bad her company is right now. Her father never told her about the company because he doesn't want them to worry. Now, he

meeting, she never changed a little till now. He was walking forward to the meeting room by saying, "You need to change your habits and talking style right now". Then, he opened the door and headed inside. He was waiting there for her to show up. She arrived on time. The directors, shareholders, and stakeholders were staying in their places and looking at her. She was walking towards the head place of the meeting table. She never thought that she need to sit there. So, she was saying to her father i

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