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Extraordinary Love Story

Extraordinary Love Story



The girl named Shanon was married to the billionaire man for solving her life problem. She didn't imagine who he really is. He was being the CEO of Biofur company who make medical research and produce the products to save people life. She was engaged to him since her birth. After her father dies, she gets his propose. Later, she married to him and her relatives attend her wedding ceremony. But she was being alone at his place. He was showing his arrogant face towards her when they are alone. She was trying to become a good wife however, he doesn't accept her as his wife.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Shanon was attending a management degree at the University of Maryland. She had a big family with a father, a mother, and two brothers. Everything went well so she never thinks her life is going disaster. Her father was telling her about his business trip to Tokyo, Japan. She would like to go there too. But her mother said, "Don't disturb your father if you want to go there we will take you this winter". Shanon said, "Oh! mom, come on, let's go there now". At last, they left her there. She was disturbed in mind because of her father.

However, she had a lot of work to do. She was living her life normally by going shopping, spa, meeting friends and nights out, and going to university. Her brothers were also disturbing her while she study in her father's library. She was closing the door whenever they come up to ask her. They were thinking of her as a bad sister. She was getting too annoyed by them. She didn't understand why her parents leave them like this. A month later, she received a call from her father's assistant. She was opening the phone and see the unknown number. So, she ended up calling that number and continue studying at the school library. Later that night, she came back home. And then, she saw her brother crying out loud in front of the television. She was going up there and sitting down. Then, she was opening her arms wide to them. They were running towards her and hug tight. They didn't stop crying still. She was patting their back and said, "Tell me what is going on". They were pointing to the television in the cupboard by saying, "We see the news about mother and father". She said, "What?". She was calling Ms. Shelby. Ms. Shelby ran up to the living room and said, "Yes, Ma'am what is the matter". She said, "Is that true?". Ms. Shelby was given the letter which is sent from the Tokyo office. She was taking that letter and taking a look. Her hands were shaking and tears are dropping from her eyes. She said, "No, it can't possible why are they dying suddenly". Ms. Shelby was stepping closer to her and said, "Don't be too sad now because you become the master of this mansion and also for the company?". She said, "I don't know all those things what should I do now". Ms. Shelby said, "Everything will be okay". She said, "How?". But Ms. Shelby smiled at her with a meaningful smile. She didn't like Ms. Shelby's smile. However, she needed to understand to take over her father's duty at the company. She decided to go to the board of directors meeting tomorrow. The invitation letter has already arrived. She was going upstairs and getting into the bathroom. She locked the door and cried. She hated her father for not taking her along. She also hated her mother for leaving them. Now, she became the owner of this company and this house. The heavy duties were staying on her head and she hasn't enough experience to handle that. She was taking a bath and drinking the wine. And then, she was laying on the border of the bathtub and thought of where she can get help. At last, the person appeared in her mind. She was waving her head to keep away this thought. But it was being her last chance to stable her family, her company, and other issues. She said, "How can I go there?". She had a fiance already since she was born. Her parents went up there every year to greet her fiance's grandfather. That family loved and accept her as their daughter-in-law. But she wasn't liking him. He also treated her badly. Once she went up there with her family, he is pushing her from upstairs. Luckily, she wasn't dying. She broke her leg because of falling from twelve stairs. When she woke up, she is at the hospital. She never forgives him for what he does. Later those days, her family didn't go there. Her parents just sent the greeting card and some presents to their family. Now, she remembered him and his family well. And then, she took the rose from the flask. She was holding the rose flower in her hand and removed the petals one by one to decide yes or no. The last petal say Yes so she said, "Alright, I will go there for meeting him tomorrow". She was going to bed after having a bath. She wasn't having dinner that night.

The morning arrived and the sun rays reached her by crossing the big curtains. The curtains weren't closing well. So, she was hiding her face under the pillow and got back to sleep. Suddenly, the alarm clock started ringing too loud. She was trying to close it right away. But she couldn't reach it yet. She moved closer to the table beside her bed and then she fall down. She was hit with the cold floor so she said, "Ouch, it's hurt where is everyone". And then, she looked around her room and remember the situation. The environment was too quiet which push her to cry and lock herself in the room. She didn't want to remember the bad memory of those heartbreaking news. She never wanted to take on the duties as her father did. She just wanted to end this degree in high grade and do everything she want. Now, she must take those duties for everyone. She was putting her hands on her face and screaming out loud. At that time, Ms. Shelby came into the room. She said, "What are you doing here?". Ms. Shelby said, "Mr. Victor is here". She was clearing her eyes with her hands and said, "Who?". Ms. Shelby said, "Your fiance and the young master of the Lockheart family". She said, "He does". Ms. Shelby was nodding up to her and said, "Why don't you clean up and dress up well?". She said, "Oh! right, please help me for getting up". Ms. Shelby said, "What happening to you?". She said, "I hurt my back because fall from bed". Ms. Shelby was calling the maids to get her up and help her dress up. She was leaning on them and getting into the bathroom. She couldn't even believe her ears. But she decided to hold her temper and treat him nicely.

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