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Broken Land

Chapter 2 Race

Word Count: 1683    |    Released on: 01/06/2022

his Ujimi, his nose almost touching the animal’s neck. He looked to his left an

dening. Arumin grit his teeth and urged more speed from his mount. She snarled and burst forth. Unlike Fonaya and Alado’s mounts, his was lean and relatively small. They rode the more powerful war ujimi, excel

up ahead and he knew that would be his chance. His Ujimi was excellent when it came to long jumps and Fonaya would have to get closer to the tree in order for his ujimi to jump it. Arumin looked at Fonaya from the sides of his eyes and saw that the man had leaned down until he was almost flat on the back of his ujimi and his eyes had narrowed in concentration. Arumin saw the t

llow eyes and his smooth, flawless skin shone with sweat. His upper body was bare, revealing a broad chest and very small waist

ghtly shorter than his younger brother. Arumin, still mounted, narrowed his green eyes at his older brother. His light green eyes were a testament to his mixed blood, a mixture of the yellow of the

g. You did not win, far as I’m concerned.” Fonaya

line. I crossed first. It does not matter how.” He said and wi

said, frowning at Alado who burst

all that salt you eat has clouded your brain.” He said. Arumin sucked his t

raising an eyebrow in silent inquiry. Alado grinned and Arum

lt and added a little other things. I almost lost my taste buds.” He said and both men burs

hers turned later and saw Asai riding up to them, her back straight in an excellent posture. Despite the fact that women were discouraged from riding uji

with you.” he said and walked to where she had stopped her ujimi. Sh

d his arms to carry her down. She looked at him for awhile and Arumin wished inwardly that she would ju

show her the black cowries. She gasped, raising her hand to her mouth then she giggled, eyei

She said, anger creeping into her features. Arumin l

ned to see the resolve in his eyes. He was not about to let her ride her own ujimi alongside him. It wasn’t right. She shrugged and reached for him and he effortlessly pulled her on to the beast and nodded to his

nderstood her and wondered if perhaps she had the ability to read minds as well. He grunted and

u wanted to join the army.” She said, hands wrapped a

ould be too focused on keeping balance to speak. He did not want t

closing his eyes. Harvest had it’s own scent and he enjoyed it. Many of the men bowed to him as they walked past. Before he could reach out

Asai’s left leg and frowned before he raised his eyes to meet hers. She stood, glaring at him, teeth clenched, the Ngapa anger burning brightly in her eyes. It was one thing

He hated seeing her angry and it made him guilty to be the cause of this present episode.He nodded to the man, muttering his approval then he walked to where Asai stood, arms

t and I’ll play for you.” He said and she raised an eyebrow at him. It had been long since he play

ck in his huts for three days. You? You will just die like a ch

e looked at him awhile then finally laughed, deep and soothing before she punched his shoulde

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