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She said YES to Love

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1002    |    Released on: 21/06/2022

her tiny waist with her hand. When she could hear no response, she walked to the kitchen and opened the

itchen cabinet, opening the dishes. She found out that all the dishes had been washed. She moved close

ot. She closed it back after a while when she noticed they haven't prepared anything to eat with

able while putting her glasses alongside the bag on the table. She threw herself on the bed, facing th

when she heard no response "That must be Mom". Just as she was about standing from her bed, the person called out

door, opening up. She looked out and it was her Nanny, Mrs. Clark. She threw herself to her, h

eyes "Sophia darling... I'm very sorry for coming back late". This made Sophia got furious suddenly, thinking about how lonely she has

ry, Sophia... I didn't know I'll leave so quick that day. If not, I would have informed you earlier" she said, putting her hand arou

ain?" she asked, with

kay, Mrs Clark... I've been dwelling in loneliness since" she said, feeling a bit of happiness wi

before she continued "So how was your first day of resu

kisses. She turned and walked into Sophia's room while looking around before she said "You

Clark about where she was leading that situation to so she further added "Have you eaten when you came back from school?" she asked, out of concern.

Clark was about to turn to leave her room, Sophia noticed she hasn't seen her mother ever since she came back from school so she called her back.

Clark moved a step forward to her, thinking probably she migh

t she will be back soon". Sophia already knew that would be the response so she wasn't surprised when she heard. Though

Mrs Clark patted her back slightly and said " Sophia, you can go and take a nap... I would have finished cooking before you wake up OK" she said while Sophia nodded affirmatively.

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