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Bride For Cruel Mafia


Word Count: 1066    |    Released on: 02/06/2022

her cellphone and stuff, "Where are all my s

e walking into a shop. "This is a clothes shop, isn't it?" Julie did not find any clothes for her. "Am I going t

knock on J

ee a lot of people in front of her door with a lot of

d and they are the maids in this house," Crist Crist. "Keep

dded and did as

l me," Crist handed a brand new ce

t it wasn't her phone, "This i

ers from Master to buy Miss a new cell p

is your

business. He'll be bac

way from Julie's room, "I'm also sorry Miss, if ther

ond, Crist, Chief Guard." Julie read the contact list on the phone. "Only three conta

? Open and sexy. Is this the taste of that ruthless man?" Because Julie was not comfortable with the dress she

sexy too ..." Julie styl

e grabbed a scarf and covered her slightly open chest and ran

on? This is my room t

ng her dress because it was above


y're all too sexy and revealing, I

n," Raymond approached Julie making Julie ev

want? Don't m

his tracks and went

fraid of something!" Julie sat on the couch

Take a headset and listen to music while singing. Julie didn't realize that Raymond

g dinner!" R

he couch to stand

g. Why does my stepmother o

y you wan

il she had the heart to s


ought Mirriam he

ont of me!" Ra

mond. I can't pay my debts yet. I always lose be

se I could have eliminated you. I'

ays lose. There's only one house and one hotel I have

, "I heard you

know?" Mir

everything. So, make her your


right? I'll marry her an

rds, "Seriously? O-Okay I agree, when will


eparations? For the party

ied! I want to

to my house at eight in the morning and you will marry Julie," Mirriam smiled. "But, I w

lose! I'll bring the mone


sed to hear Raym

or gambling?" Julie clenched her fists in irritation at

now my wife, I will give it

am, I want to knit my future according to my wishes. Instead

ruel man you are referring to is y

e! You even had the heart to slap me until I fai

you were. I thought you were an inno

of female friends you could marry, instead of ruining the life of a

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