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Bride For Cruel Mafia


Word Count: 1053    |    Released on: 02/06/2022

d available on the di

uy paint, tomorrow," R

to clean up the room, o

That way, Julie won't feel bored, Raymond finished his meal and when h

s house will be mine," Julie grumbled. Finishin

om upstairs. Come on," Julie said to

iss. You can wait, don't c

o it together," Julie

lped of the maids. All day Julie was in that room, out of there when she was going to eat. The two maids didn't

happy. "Wait ... it means tomorrow I can meet Raiden first. Ah surely Raymond will

still hadn't returned an

ing her long hair. "Huh, my life has become lonely and boring like this. Usually when I want to sleep, Raiden always disturbs me first or makes video calls with my friends. Are they looking for and m

sketch was similar to Raymond. "Why am I sketching Raymond? What's Raymond on my mind right now?

et?" Julie muttered. "Why should I care about

lept. Just about to close her eyes, there was a knock on the

s hour?" Julie got out of bed an

see Crist with Raymon

ch. Let me take care

Thank you." Julie propped Raymond

d. "What a pain, it smells like

thes like that, Julie took off Raymond's shoes and socks. Then taking off the coat

e this." Julie released it very slowly and ca

smell, Julie slowly unbuttoned each button. Suddenly Raymond

.." Raymond

ou're drunk,

as on top of her now. He gripped

Raymond ... d

es down to Julie's neck and every curve, His consciousness is

it. Even though her mouth said no, Julie's body couldn't refuse it. Even enjoy it. Made a lov

nscious. Julie put her clothe

n reject it? Huh, I'm so


ext d

dizzy head. "Uh I drank too much

ot wearing a single cloth and saw his clothes

, Raymond took a quick shower, came out

e wak

y sleep. I'm so tire

doing all day yesterd

Julie's body red from his kisses. "


that body

t remember drunkenness you forced me very rudely! Look

at her, "Take a

of the mirror buttoning his shirt. Raymond saw the red mark on his chest. Two k

s, the faster will got pregnant an

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