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A Gentleman from Mississippi


Word Count: 1757    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

and seized the arm

n, why aren't you i

lied Haines. "Besides, I


a 'game'-society, politics, newspaper work, business of every sort. Men and women make 'moves

he appearance of Hope Georgia, w

hom he presented to Haines with a picturesque flourish reminiscent of the pride and chivalry of the old South

sending her to boarding-school, where her elder sister had been educated. Owing to the death of her mother the planter had desired to keep Hope Georgia at home for companionship. This good-looking, clean-cut, well-built young man w

tion of na?veté in poise and expression when she was amused. His first glance revealed to Haines that her eyes were gray, the gray that people say indicates the possessor to ha

g of a story of what to her was a mysterious world-the man's world, the strong m

al career, Mr. Haines?" went on the S

one thing. I have

ed this obj

h you. Sometimes I think we want

ter shook

"Politics I sometimes think is pure hypocrisy and sometimes something wor

corruption. The gentlemen in national politics whom I have had the honor of knowing-Senator Moseley, an intimate

, don't they?" laughed Haines, rising. "I'm afraid I've tak

n was

osition to make to you. They tell me I'll need a secretary. Now, I think I need just such a young man as you. I don't know just exactly what the work would be or what the financial arrangemen

oung girl squeezed her fath

id idea, dad; just gre

now my father would

rs of employment from politicians who desired to increase their influence with the press. Sometimes the salary offered had been large, the work so light that the reporter could "earn" the money and yet retain his newspaper pos

lterior purpose to serve in his offer, yet

coming from you, but I've never thought of giving up the newspaper pro

hen a delightfully modulate

o look for some other rooms. I don't like t

in her eyes and appeared in the self-contained poise of her head. She was the imperious type of beauty and suggested to Haines the dry point etchings of Paul Helleu. He instinctively conceived

olina Langdon, Mr. Hai

was int

hope you'll do a nice one. We want him to be a successful


lly, failing to notice that Hope Georgia was somewhat annoyed at the enthusiasm displayed o

ut down the things I ought to say,

ng about Washington, Ca

a, spi

girl spo

like Washington. I feel as though I must tell some

rview you, Miss Langdon," ent

, Mr. Haines," remarked Ca

er extend a warm greeting to Congressman Char


nnection with two unsavory 'deals,' one of which resulted in an amendment to the pure food law so that manufacturers of a valueless 'consumption cure' could continue to

and attractive, sir," said Hai

issippian. "Girls in th

. I'll think about you

haps I can f

odded approval. "It would be a hard job. There are so many matters of political detail abo

as Haines knew only too well. He would be the Senator's guide and confidant-his adviser in big matters. Why, he would practically be United States Senator himself. He knew the "inside" as few others in Washington. Here was a chance to match hi

r of the third house." These thoughts crowded into his mind. Then, too, he would become practically a m

" he murmured half aloud; "n

ppian heard the

uld," he drawle

you want me?" u

on ch

d you,"

abruptly t

be a great chance in every way. I'll accept. We'll fix it

eld forth

x up nothing to-morrow. Your duties begin to-night.

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