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A Gentleman from Mississippi


Word Count: 2019    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

dred-million-dollar gulf naval base would be decided on in March, after the

the Capitol. Richard Cullen, the favorite associate of Haines in his journalistic days, out earlier than usual on his daily round of the departments for news for his

rhood. My Senator is a great man. They can't appreciate him up here because he's honest-crystal clear. I used to think I knew what a

one leg over

rted Cullen. "But don't deceive yourself too much. Your Senator Langdon is personally

t wait. When some of those old foxes in the Senate want to put his h

looked up at his

o over my head, too,"

drop you both in, if it comes right down to that, old chap. You're making a mistake. You're as bad a

ation, Cullen continu

ncing quickly about, "there's one thing that y

face showed hi

" he snapped, abru

you are keeping Langdon away from the crowd of 'insiders' in

that I can get the money and not he himself. Consequently I'm tipping him off on what measures are honest, so that he'll vote for them, until-until I

the Chicago correspondent. "It means winning a man's confidence, his

, Dick,

bt you. Still, the yarn is hurting you. Remember that Western Senator who was 'd

The Senator innocently told an Eastern Senator that he was going to vote for the bill. Then the Easterner went to the railroad wantin

d' Senator said to Z. as he met him unexpectedly: 'You scoundrel, here's where I get square with you to some extent. Anyway, I'm going to vote against that bill this time and make a long speech against

nes, as Cullen concluded, "and both railroads to

e didn't know enough to keep to himself how he was going

ust me," began Haines, when in came Senator Langdon himself, his face beaming contentedly. Little did the junior Sen

Senator's cheery greetin

the election of Senators by popular vote. Do you think the system of

an cocked his h

oncerns future Senators, and not t

who thrust his pad into hi

he ways and means committee, isn't i

ds of your State on the matter of the reduction of the tariff on aluminium hydrates. The people of Mississippi believe

ky stuff come from?

crowd will try to make a kind of bargain-wanting you to keep up iron and steel duties. But you don't believe that iron and steel need help, you will tell them

pened and Senator

whispered t

o Peabody, he rose, brought down his fist heavily u

but the South is in a hurry for it, and the duty must come down. It's

stretched ac

," he said, loudly and surprisedly, as thoug


was just talking with my secre


d to it or any Southern measure; but it makes it more difficult for me when you

on sm

but they tell me it looks as if

shrugged h

ve and take is the rule in

ught a frown to

nt still, I don't believe American politics has to be run on that

ed that he paced up and

to make this great capital of our great country the place of the 'square deal,' the place where give and

ticed Peabody's

n in the work if we went out in front, led the way and showed them their plain duty. And I tell you, Senator Peabody, that the p

nything about them, La


Mississippian-"let us teach W

you will have to go on and reform human nature, human instincts, every human being in the country, if you want to make pol

ent. That wouldn't meet the theory of centralization woven into our political system by its founders. They intended that our Gover

d so much time in placing the Constitution of the United States between themselves and their duty, sir, between the people and their Government, s

. Then he halted. "By the way, Senator," he said, "I'll do my best to arrange what you want regarding aluminium hydrates for the

had fixed on him. It seemed to betray that the Penn

mitted to Altacoola until I'm sure it's the best place. I'll make u

out, glaring venomously at

boy brought in a card.

," read t

ere for you to talk to. He'll want to know about his town's chances for being chosen as the naval base. I mus


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