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Chapter 5 POLITICS

Word Count: 3904    |    Released on: 09/06/2022

foe in need

friend when in

had given her till sun down to say goodbye to her family and pac

was hungry, went to prepare food for her. Moey was still

oat when Tara had left yesterday and she wondered if her mother had bought it speci

g has she bee

council.'' Farah said. She could tell he was

one minute I was in a classroom answering a little girl in the only

erent, like you're special or something but what you don't know is that you're just

etter than it was now, that bottled up excitement, the feeling that she could actually bring change? Perhaps everyone felt like that too, only they were mature enough to quench the hope and face reality. And she, what had

he placed the bowl of oats on the floor in front of Tara. She l

er frock. She smoothed her hair, wondering why she sud

three summers now, older than her by two seasons but they had always played together when they were children. First because their fathers were bot

uncilor now.'' He said as soon as he enter

lew into his arms. ''Oh Justin! I'm goi

'' It's not your fault,

ing to be okay and it's all my fault. I shoul

hh. Come Tara, I want to show you something.'' He let go of

d Tara from leaving, not saying anyt

' Justin said but when the guards still didn't move out, he reached into his

what they wanted?'' Tara asked

cares about three things

's two. What o

e bought either with

And i

g female in a

ring into her eyes as he told her she was beautiful but he had never spoken in such a away to

his. ''What do you want to show

ession Ernest. '' Come

followed without questions. He led her through hi

o urgent, it was scary. She tried to push him away but his iron grip around her shoulde

her tears, trying to make herself believe Justin wasn'

r emotion that scared her. ''I have waited for you all this while and now, when my father has fina

at she didn't want to be married to Justin either, to be kissed by him in the

It was a gold pin, forged with the power of a shape shifter so that once it was pinned on someone's skin, it clinged to that person forever and

on the root of a tree that was behind her and

her. '' Putting it on you of cause.'' He answered and that moment, as Tara

held it tight as she struggled to

he was too shocked to even feel pain. Justin had pinned her with a promise

who sees you would think I had done something grievou

friend Justin.'' Tara

married to me would have been more pleasant for you than getting married to M

'Mogo Sho has sent men to carry me to his house. What happens when he finds this pin huh

. His wife is still alive and as vile as it is for an unmarried woman to give herself

tue! You say that a

m surprised at the idea of kissing at all. Who have you been kissing Tara.'' She had stood up, and now he stroked her hair again a

on at the brief surprised and pain that registered on his face. But her satisfact

en he smiled and Tara had never seen anything more vile than

of being mounted violently?'' He asked co

ho caught her fists, laughing when she punched him in exasperation. This was... She stumbled on a tree root again and would have fallen if he hadn't caught her, but

mart enough to know battles she could win, and if given the choice, she would not have picked this battle. His

ring a bit under her skirts before they too came off. ''I'm sure that would tea

nally agreed to see him as the Vilnian he was. She just didn't possess the strength to consider how willing or unwilling he was to s

y opened her eyes, there was no remorse in the gray ones starting back at her. ''Com

. It was a very large building and she wondered

that had been kept on the street to give light to people who walked by. It was the first time she had ever seen something like that before. In h

if the people who lived on councilor street also worried -- about the growing prices of things, the rains that did

or had been taken in a hunt and she half wondered if the creatures of the lore

and taking her bags. She looked very old with hair that was now

of Waif

ags. In waif street, a younger woman seen walking with an ol

nd as soon as the old woman had said it, she turned around, entering further in

retreating woman and not knowi

that her feet did not connect directly with the rug, Tara imagined it would be silky and soft, even softer than her mattress at home. Thinking of home threatened to bring tears to h

led into a beautifully furnished and

refused to call Tara any name, as

ing ahead of the housekeeper as sh

ddress the woman. Married women were sometimes addressed by their husbands title or profession a

.'' She said simply, not acknowledging the the thanks then she was gone, shut

h the last of the day light. She sank to the floor in the perfectly furnished room as the lamp light cast shadows against the

ust couldn't reach. Yes, she had said those words to Benadryl in what now seemed like a lifetime ago yet -- It was not the memories of her time with the pupils

The bed had a canopy over it and was even more beautiful than she had imagined when her

t understand why people of a certain land would give only one man power and control over themselves and

rridor had gone out, leaving only the

he footsteps of the man that joined her,

eryone took their f

And with faith they

d, terrified that she had been caught singing her grandmot

up at Mogo Sho. His night shirt clung a little to his frame, emphasizi

ve enough for some heretical songs thi

how it was she had come to recognize that look. He stepped closer to her, his eyes searching hers and she lifted her chin,

ry kindly as he lowe

to convince herself that somehow, the vague memories she had were of him but the flesh under her palm was a bit too much wit

er. She went limp against him as all the desire drained fr

ted marvelously with the scarlet night gown she wore and even though Tara could not make o

r face was. The skin so mangled up that one could not tell where her eyes, nose or ear had been while the other side of her face was perfect, be

am. She slowly reined it in as the

ved for so long.'' It wasn't a question but she stood in fron

ped. ''Mam,

a. I wouldn't even be alive for long so let's s

s embrace. '' I'm really sorry Ma -- Sura.

of my husband. After tomorrow, he can wed you and have as many nights of pleasure as he pleases but -- only after tomorrow, not while I am still ali

started for his wife then tu

uncil wedding. I would not have my good name scorned in the presence of commoners. Then when I'm dead and you both are married, only then would the trouble start.'' She turned around and left the way

' Mogo Sho shook his head. '

ally going to kill

ook his but re

er me Cou

t to know about.'' He answered, his voice patronizing,

asked, strangely she felt afraid that the an

she's crazy Tara, you don't want

had a fever. Was she mad all this while hidde

nt house and you'll be mistress of it tomor

han of the Councilor, it was as if there was a certain calculation to her madness and Tara wondered what Sura stood to gain from h

a always does what sh

t was even more

a glimpse of

nore your heart.

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