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Chapter 2 EARLIER

Word Count: 3631    |    Released on: 09/06/2022

hirping birds o

that wake

is the joy of

of the m

little porridge with the left-over oats from yesterday's super for Moey and Starc. Farah was older now, thirteen summers -- almos

d. Of men who rode horses and clothes made of iron so that even the butcher's heavy knife could not pierce through it. Of knives so beautiful, strong and sharp, they were actually called swords and of

ther's song, her young voice rich and clear, carrying in the quiet evening and her uncles had snatched her up from the stone she sat on, fear written on their faces as they had made her swear never to sing such a song again. Tara had looked up into the scared faces of her uncles, her mother's brothers who were known for their bravery and she had felt the cold hands of fear seize her little heart. She had swor

aid as he stumbled out from the house still

tart a conversation in the morning without first wishing one a good morn. It wou

es. You're just angry with me cause I caught you singing grandmother's song.'' He came to stand behind her, peering at what she was grindin

better than this.'' Tara snapped. The truth was that Farah was right, she was angry with him because he had caught her singing.

ause only one Goldsmith was allowed to set up profession at a time so that one would have to wait till the pre

of the most prestigious works, second only to the council members and Tara was proud. Farah however was too impatient, he couldn't w

prettiest gowns and put flowers in their hair. It ended with a night of dance, outside, under the

r Mogo Sho had declared he was going to marry her when his sick wife passed and all the boys her age had avoided her like a plague. His wife was still alive, and Tara was still as lonely as ever, hoping that the strength of Mistera preserved the lif

eassure her, but he did not say it would be all right, how could he know what Mistera had planned? ''I came out so you could tell me what to do for the morning.'' He sai

. Both of our giant pails are e

to her with the utter abandon of a child, throwing herself around Tara. ''Good morning Tara... Oh I had the most pleasant dreams this ni

ose with her free hand. ''You got those dre

red, already old enough to wonder why Tara,

e whole family had eaten, Moey, Starc and Tara had all cleaned their faces, pr

she was about to put on one of her regular froc

a I have to get dressed and go off to teach, yo

bid you to go teach in school, but must you

ll cowards and until Councilor Mogo sho gives his consent or raises the curse he has placed on me, I might as we

fear of the Councilor, he had even gotten closer to her, trying to make up for the way the others had been avoiding her, he had even told her she was beautiful on m

ra. I have never seen a young woman more beautiful than you in the whole of

n, some rare, beautiful creature that was not to be touched but to be admired from afar. ''Mama what is the use of t

t to see what she would look like when she grows, they would say if Tara is this beau

ouncilor decides to make h

ou don't wish to happen.'' She drew in a breath and her voice softened. ''Justin really li

oke Mistera was playing on her. Justin himself had been acting funny lately, getting her flowers and spending too much time looking into her eyes. She s

floor with stairs built into the house. It had been there when Tara's grandmama was a little girl and even Mama Sewo,

learn to write but it was essential they knew how to read incase their hus

color of burnished wheat raised her h

u are teaching us to read, does it mean I ca

n away choice from women, from men too, from all.

really want to know. My younger brother says girls can't write cause we're stupid and only good for being kissed or cooking.'' She

was there before any of them were born forbade them, she could lose her work teaching at the school and the little money she

een asked to explain just what she had meant by that; the girl had been very beautiful. She had been warned that if she was caught again spreading the belief that people -- anyone had a choice, she was going to be sent away from teaching in the school and reported to the council for ap

your heart for the answer to that

rge scroll she had been using to teach while her pupils ran out of the class gleefully without a backward glance. They were all hap

for her to give such and explanation in class and she knew also that Benadryl had understood what she meant by listening to her heart. She n

her head up high. Something brought to her mind the memory of her grandmothe

aching hours today if girls could

put that way it was mo

nt of the whole class during your teaching

a notch higher. ''You al

ow you address your high teacher? With little respect. Do you know how many young women wish they could have your place teaching at this

at the school, they were in their husband's houses, worrying about raising good chil

ant me to take you to trial before the council? And mind you, even Mo

that I am different, but I

htened her lip. '' You g

f Mistera have no choice.'' Tara had not needed to say that, but she had kno

to nothing. You are dismissed from your position as teacher in this school and you are not

ething as abstract as hope? It was evening already and when she got home. She dropped her sewing kit and went out immediately to buy potatoes with the little money she had been given at the school as a payoff. She needed to get to t

he was so potbellied was because he ate his potatoes whole as they were without cutting or cooking. He was a jolly man and usually g

her. Only him could joke about her almost betrothal t

t. In no time, they had agreed on a price for the number of potatoes she

little girl that was probably her daughter as if the little girl would disappear if she let go. ' There's something so accursed don't you think, in being so beautiful?' Tara had her say, and

grandmama crazy but to hear them say it so openly, not caring that she heard them... She stumbled against the butcher's table up

re jealous.'' Someone said from b

got sacked from the school today.'' S

r had been one of the very few people that encouraged her way

onger a teacher.'' She looked at Tara a little strangely then said. ''If you come by

''Just don't let what they say get to you, they are talking now becau

It wasn't really singing, instead it was a false state of calm that came upon you, making you n

anding beside her as a creature so fast it was a shadow swooped low and took the child's mother. In

e's sing was getting louder, threatening to engulf her. With the last of her

se of the

f what we fear

d hope we must

is to be happy,

o tear is faster

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