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A Little Mother to the Others


Word Count: 2096    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ent the wagonette swept into view. The horses drew up with a nourish at the

," called out Mrs. Dolman. "No excitement, I beg, from any of you-I have had quite e

I think, mamma. S

ut quietly-quietly, my dear. Apollo, give me your hand, you come next;

m the carriage, disdaining the use of the steps. When she found herself on the gravel

id; "I'd wather have the animals." Then she tu

d felt half inclined to follow Diana's spirited example; but Mrs. Dolman would not permit this. Sh

iving him a slight shake as she did so,

f her hand. Diana took no notice of h

; for the fact is, the other three little Delaneys had not yet got the slightest idea into their heads that they were bound to obey Mrs. Dolman. Far from this; a sudden and extreme naughtiness had taken possession of their unruly little hearts. Even Iris' gentle words had no effect on them. They hated Aunt Jane; considering her, in their heart of hearts, extremely cruel and unworthy of affection. Had she not parted them at one blow from t

o stiff; and, Orion, I has got the box, and we ca

ng of the sort. This is not the hour for running about in the open air. There is supper ready for us all in the dining room, but I th

Go and help your cousins. Now, you four children, follow Lucy and Ann to your rooms, where my servant, Simpson, will

, fixing her eyes on Mary's face. "I n

d Mary, "and you must not s

ana. "Ise not going to be fwightened. But wha

" replied Mary. "Were

know what it mea

ou punished, Diana. I wonder when your first time will come? I expect rather soon. You ha

n she turned to Mary. "I is awfu' tired and s'e

Did you not hear mamma say

Diana, after a momentary hes

Ann had gon

m, cousin?" she said; "and please, I want t

the cheerful Rectory in a body. The four little strangers, accompanied by Mary and Ann, went upstairs, where Simpson was waiting for them. Simpson was feeling very cross at the arrival of four additional children, but when sh

ll be dead tired, you poor little mites. Com

the eldest little g

son; "and what's your

flinging back his dark head and fix

ndish, I call it!" ejaculated Simpson. "And

gweat Diana; I has got a bow and arrow,

sy, you would not b

It's an awfu' pwecious box-it has got spiders in it and t

a horror, it was of

r if you dare to open it in your bedroom I'll

shed, Diana," said Mary,

?" asked Diana,

opened her round eyes

u my c

your firs

iana. She flung off her ha

u take good care of our pwecious box. And what is you

am the nurse, and ready to wash you and

. I hate cousins, more 'specially first, and I hate nurses. There, now, you can go downstairs, first co

then, turning round once again, began to view the company. What might have ha

gh great trouble, for our mother-our own mother-she has left us, you know. Diana does not

that gentle, beautiful expression on her little face, it seemed to Diana then as if the hard journey, and the pain of all th

little bread and milk to give her, and then if she might be put to bed, I

mere baby. I'll take it upon me, miss, to do what you suggest, even though my missus may be angry. Oh, my word! there's the supper gong. You must go down at once, Miss Iris, you really must. I c

," almost screamed Diana, tightenin

ot really want any supper, and I know how to

iss, do

ve certain Aunt Jane won't mind when I

he shan't mind," said

k at her. The hearts of the two little cousins

he three Dolman girls and the two Delaney boys had to hurry off as fast as they

is," said Diana, as she l

l feel brave and strong and bright in the morn

s so far from home, poor darlin's, and they has come a drefful long journey, and they may b


stwaight off to s'eep. P'ease, God, b'ess Di

ut what poor Iris, to her dismay, soon discovered, namely, that Simpson had marched off with the box which contained the spiders

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