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Sinbound: Vision

Chapter 5 SINBOUND: Vision

Word Count: 4559    |    Released on: 13/06/2022


to wrap my mind around everything, but this was so far out of my league, I was dog-pedaling in an ocean being victimized by a hurricane. A derisive laugh ripped from my mouth. Jesus Christ, how was I supposed to do this? How was I to keep her secret? If we kept going to scenes that hadn't even been reported yet, it sure as hell was going to raise some eyebrows. Added to my aggravation was the fact my dick hurt. Rylee was just a floor above me an

nt. After entering my bedroom, I stripped off my clothes and then made my way into the bathroom


p thinking about the killer. He had me worked up and I didn't know what to do with the sensations he

ed it and slipped into the hallway. Padding my way down its length, I headed toward t

the rooms toward the kitchen, I noted in the low lighting he'd left on, that he hadn't changed a damn

leaning against the doorframe, lazily gazing at me. My eyes roamed over his frame, taking in hi

even lower, revealing the v of his abdomen and a slim, horizontal dark line of hair that melded into a wider p

nking, this man is seriou

d off the edible morsel in front of me and murmured, "I got enough for tw

from that refrigerator is going to fix what I

im a little closer over my shoulder. He wasn't quite steady on his feet, and though I'd smelled the alcoh

runk?" I q

avy-lidded eyes filled wi

pulled me back against him, and a shudder rippled through me when lowering his head, he brushed his lips along the skin o

hing aside more of my hair, Brice inhaled deeply, his tongue tasting the flesh of my neck with a soft stroke, then turning me roughly in his arms, his head swooped down, mouth claiming mine. His heated kiss coaxed more tiny soft moans and gasps from me, before opening to his urging,

cking and teasing the tip until I was panting, moaning in need. Coming apart with the building waves of ecstasy preparing to slam through me, I ground harder. Brice, grasping my hips, began to rock me harder, faster against him-watching my features

skimming my body down his length, and when my feet rested on the floor, I slid my hand between us,

g on the third, before grasping my hand, he stilled my efforts, as leaning his forehead against mine, his breath brushing across my cheeks in ragged bursts, he muttered,

s head lowered as he pulled in slow, deep breaths. "Go back to your room, Rylee. I'm drunk, and

across through the rooms and down the hall until we stood before the door to my room. After

d as I reached out,

d cold water knobs in the shower, I adjusted the water temperature, then stripped from my t-shirt and panties. As I stepped beneath the spray of water, a soft groan escaped my lips and I reveled in the relief the water gave my muscles. I

ing to rake it through my tangled curls. When the honey-toned mass was finally tamed, and I'd managed to get it into a ponyt

deal with the light smattering of freckles on my cheeks. My eyes though were the one outstanding feature I felt I had. They were a dark violet and enhanced by thick, al

rd. Well, I decided, at least someone wasn't having a problem putting thought into action, unlike me, for at the moment, I seemed incapable of carrying out the smallest of tasks. Brice hadn't made it to his desk

needed a break, I decided, and stepping away from my desk, I headed towa

de revealed his foul mood as his feet slammed against the floor with angry steps. When he drew up next to me, he reached out with a quick movement and

ched as he carried his free hand to h

y?" I qu

"Yeah, just a s

my lips, I murmured,

letting go of my wrist, he fished it out of his shirt p

ened to the caller's answers. After a few seconds of conversation, he sta

n, he turned and walked away, barking

he time I kick-started my body and began to jog after him. "

ently. As we came to a stop beside his pickup, I climbed in the cab, then sitting with my arms c

rive and peeled out of the parking area. The smell of rubber floated in the air and

mething?" His return quest

y bas

ded, then stated, "Ye

direction, and I


t me from hurtling forward. After straightening in the seat and readjusting the belt, I looked around in bewilderment. I'd b

ickup into its turn. As he steered it forward on the washed-out and pot-holed drive, the springs of the pickup worked overtime. A few moments later we rea

crime scene tape that had been stretched before the section of the trees, but now lay blowing in the wind, tattered and broken-a remnan

I pushed open my door and climbed out, wa

forward, barring our passage, Brice gave a quick nod at them. One, who must have been the ra

names with a nod. "I'm Agent Rowland, and this is A

officer named Reynolds, we murmured our thanks

f men standing around and talking among thems

ty stepped forward.

ng his earlier words. "I'm Agent

lay though, for the odor hit us before we'd even reached it. Though the smell intermingled with the cattle dung and decaying underbrush, there was no mistaking what it was. Some o

e. Swallowing thickly, I fought down the bile that burned at the back of my throat, unable even to draw a deep breath to he

, a man named Embry, had stumbled across the body in searc

d, changing the dark, depressive murkiness into a rich cavern of green, and as I placed my bag on the ground, I almost gagged again as I peered a

by digging out a facial mask to help with the odor. The mask would also help

ver to the victim, beginning to snap photos. I was careful not to distur

back, almost nude. Her dark green shirt had been ripped and shredded, yet remained on her upper body. Her attacker had cast her tan shorts and panties aside, discarded in the undergrowth. The slashes on her torso revealed she'd been assaulted with a sharp object. Her wrists and ank

oor woman must have gone through and

my camera. Shame washed through me that I had to document what one human could do to another. No, not

rved. She'd been tossed aside like garbage, to lie exposed to the surrounding elements, an act that was the ultimate betray

ting, taking half a dozen more photos before making my way back over to my bag. As I placed my camera back within its depth

es, he would write the time of our arrival at the scene, the condition of the body and where it lay, and the appearance of the surrounding

nts as he did what I'd seen him do hundreds of times before with other cases. He closed the small notebook he'd been writing his notes in and slid it into his shirt pocket. I'd seen him perform this action time and again when someone would come to

medical Jon grunted with the movement, he never actually said anything, and with a small shake of

o the victim and began a cursory exam. As he worked, he spoke out his findings. "Somewhere between the age of eighteen and twenty-five, I'd say. In any case, I'll be able to pinpoint her age closer once I do the autopsy." S

ace Brice. "I'd say the cause of death is blood loss. I'l

e us a few minutes to wrap this

f the zipper on the body bag. With the task finally completed, the bag,

its responsibility to someone else at last, and with a glance in Brice's direction, I wondered if he'd sens

t at it," Brice murm

was of it, and marking every piece's positioning. More pictures would come later for further analysis. There was one th

urderers were never identified-or there just hadn't been enough evidence to convict them. Under normal circumstances this case would have fallen within the jurisdiction of the local police, however, as this

shoulders-their positioning revealed his thoughts were runn

k a little furthe

d on me. I'd already figured out this wasn't the killer who had involved me

king up. Quickly turning, I ran toward the last place I'd seen him, but when I reached it, he wasn't there. Turning in a circle, I called out, "Brice, where are you?" I ca

that smacked me in the face. Minutes later, after having swiped, stomped and kicked my wa

oulder at me, he asked, "

my stupidity, I shook my head. "

he tossed another glance in my direction.

a clue what way to go to return to the pickup. With a sigh and fidgeting a little as I knew

whipped in my direction. "W

fore I snapped, "Shut up and tell m

shook his head slightly. "We'r

words. "Oh jeez, thank

kin' good deal you're not out here alone. Ne

glared at him. "By a

ain, as grinding his teeth he turned and without anothe

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