A chronicle of heroes. Book One: From the void
lay peacefully in the realm, absorbing Yuham's messag
the darkness let loose a terrible cry. "By all the might in me, I declare: there shall be no light!" A cold shudder echoed throughout the realm, so that every corner of the void felt the darkness that was Abraxus. It hurled the formidable shadow of black matter towards the unseen separation, with every intention of destroying it and engulfing Yuham. But then, despite the smoke and darkness, everything seemed to stop. There was a powerful eruption that bathed the entire realm in golden light, and for the first time, there seemed to be a break in the dense expanse of unfathomable shadow. A vibrating hum reverberated throughout the realm, and the heat intensified, burning the tips of Abraxus's outer layer. Suddenly, this colossal darkness felt a jarring impact on its outermost form, and Abraxus's dark dimension was pushed back forcefully, with such speed that it was shot into oblivion, plummeting into the endless depths of vastness from whence it came. As the space around Abraxus flashed past, it was the first time this dark entity had no control over its own particles. It was petrified as the shadows swirled endlessly, overwhelmed by confusion and anger. Yuham was growing smaller as this unexpected force pushed distance between them, but Abraxus could still feel the light's aura, pulsing an energy full of only pity for Abraxus's refusal to accept Yuham's message. A new light in front of the darkness now glowed and seemed to expand, and then Abraxus felt a new resonance. "You shall never come near the luminary of all lights -not while I exist." This command seemed to penetrate the darkness to its very core, and Abraxus was plagued by an unexplainable terror. The extension, which had been rippling with dark energy, crumbled into dust, completely overcome by the aura of this new light entity and the power it held. Abraxus hissed and instinctively recoiled with intimidation, gazing at another, unfamiliar light entity just mere lengths away from him. The proximity was so close that Abraxus could feel the light's blinding illumination penetrating its outer form. This entity was like Yuham in size, extending throughout hundreds of supercluster distances, but different in shape. It was circular, converging into a linear end on one side, and the outer rim of the circle was a pure golden arc of light which encircled a unique, white core, with an unfa