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Armor Queen

Chapter 5 Blood on the petals

Word Count: 3295    |    Released on: 17/06/2022

agerly waiting for her brother. The little princess pouted her face and stood close to the railings. ‘Will he be really late?’ She thought of Rafael her brothers

oy smiled and bowed to her, ‘Oh my so cute’ she thought and gave a small head nod in greeting. She felt out of place so she waited for a bit and thought of going back to the room. ‘Maria must be looking for me.’ The young master of burassca spoke first, “Your highness I am sorry to intrude without permission. I did not know you were here.” He looked really shy in uttering those words. Rosaline

took one of the rose from the bush. He ignored the warning from his knight about thorns. “Young master please allow me.” He gave it to Rosaline with a smile. She took it with a smile. “Thank you I will get you more white roses.” She looked around for the largest one in the area. She gave the flower back to him. “Hold this for me.” She ran close to the bush which almost hid her beside the statue of the fairy pouring water. She bent down and ca

ed in the far distance. Rosaline sat in her hidden place for a while. Her small hands covering her mouth, the two white roses are still in her hand. She did not move until her body stopped shaking. She slowly stood up and looked around. A pungent stench filled the air. Her hair had a few small leaves stuck. She slowly walked out a pool of blood made pools in the ground. The grass had a few green color mostly went brown. She did not brush off the thorns or small leaves that stuck to her dress. A tiny piece of the dress was torn and stuck in the plant. Her feet took her to the place she was last standing in front of Sloan. The boy had his neck half

nd dried of her tears. “We need to change your outfit.” She struggled to move fast and exchanged the princess dress with fallen young master. She discarded the jewels except for the silver one. The princess hair looked a mess she smiled in pity if only she had a comb to fix it. Maria stood up to look for anything she can find she took the knights cape and kneeled down in front of Sloan mutter an apology. “Please forgive me young master.” She raised her hand and closed his eyes brushing the hair fallen on hi

ter every few feet. The bodies were some of guest the others of staffs and some of them guards of the castle. She pulled the princess hand when she felt the princess getting slow. “We must hurry princess.” She led her through the servant pass to the back door in through the kit

s with one hand. “Your highness, remember my words you must survive no matter what. I will find you soon.” She quickly let go pushing her in the hay stack to hide. “Do not come out until it is safe.” She looked up and nodded for Tom to leave quickly. He pulled the reign of the horse to move it quickly made its way to the road and quickly disappeared from sight. Maria let her tears fall. She could sound of footsteps and roars from a distance behind her it was getting louder quickly, she clutched the young child’s body close to her body and walked towards the kitchen door. She opened the door and closed t


e almost over powered. Nicholas roared, “Get ready to attack.” They unsheathe their sword and roared in reply. The swords clashed with each other. The opponent soldiers fell quickly under the lead and the group force of the Prince’s cavalry. Nicholas slashed and moved forward as fast as he could he ran and forced his way into the group. He moved and ran faster towards the throne room. The enemy soldiers fell quickly. Nicholas prayed he is not late to save his family. He ran over as fast as he could and went through cutting down the armored ene

an ho

e looked terribly stressed at the remaining bodies. A lot of the guests fell in the revolt. He fisted his hand shaking in anger. He saw his father almost fainting in pain with the stab in his ribs. His mother was looking worried and franticly begged him by clutching his hand, “Please find Rosaline she is missin

t have been removed since the treatment is going on.’ He thought. The feeling of being helpless is the last thing he wished to feel right now. The king’s face made him worry more he wanted to get up and talk about something. But he was looking very weak and pale. Nicholas did not know what he should do at this stage. Louis took a deep breath and forced himself to sit up. He was pushed back by his medics. “Your Majesty, please stay still. You will open up your wounds.” He ignored the medics and pulled to extend his hand to grab onto Nicholas. The prince quickly went forward to hold his hand. He wanted to help out but instead he gritted his teeth. ‘How could this happen?’ he thought not knowing what to feel anger or sadness. Louis took deep breath and looked at his eyes, “Nicholas you need to act fast. They will reach the empire soon and come back with the statement. Take the office command it. You cannot let Rante fall in his hand.” The prince understood the urgency of the situation but he could not understand who he was warning about? “Father who is it? Who is going to come back? Who did all this?” The king could not reply to his answers he collapsed under the pain. Nicholas gently put hi

e bodies and some. He walked closer into the room. The smell of blood hit him, he could blood pooled underneath some bodies in the room. He saw what he feared. Maria eyes closed lying on her side; she was pierced in multiple places her white apron is crimson in color. A medic closed her eyes

ady and was slowly went forward to look under the cape. Aldrich quickly held his hand stopping him from moving further. “Don’t look it will not be pleasant.” Nicholas felt a tremor. “What do you……” he could not finish the sentence. “The body is badly damaged we could only recognize her with the dress.” He wanted to explain more but held his tongue. ‘Nicholas is not in the r

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1 Chapter 1 The New Queen2 Chapter 2 The Prince Returns3 Chapter 3 Princess in her own world4 Chapter 4 The Birthday Ball5 Chapter 5 Blood on the petals6 Chapter 6 The Aftermath7 Chapter 7 The Voices in the Dark should remain in the dark8 Chapter 8 I hate Roses9 Chapter 9 The day after10 Chapter 10 The wedding11 Chapter 11 Thank you Felix12 Chapter 12 Just for a While13 Chapter 13 A New Settlement14 Chapter 14 Getting used to the place15 Chapter 15 In the Workshop16 Chapter 16 What is your type of Weapon Part -117 Chapter 17 What is your type of Weapon Part -218 Chapter 18 The Other Commander Part -119 Chapter 19 The Other Commander Part -220 Chapter 20 New Recruits Part -121 Chapter 21 New Recruits Part - 222 Chapter 22 Edan Part -123 Chapter 23 Edan Part -224 Chapter 24 I am really Weak Part -125 Chapter 25 I am really Weak Part -226 Chapter 26 Separate Training Part 127 Chapter 27 Separate Training Part 228 Chapter 28 This is not for you (Part 1)29 Chapter 29 This is not for you (Part 2)30 Chapter 30 Strike with the Hammer (Part 1)31 Chapter 31 Strike with the Hammer (Part 2)32 Chapter 32 A new assistant for Kuon (Part 1)33 Chapter 33 A new assistant for Kuon (Part 2)34 Chapter 34 Too early for him (Part -1)35 Chapter 35 Too early for him (Part 2)36 Chapter 36 Herb Collection Part -137 Chapter 37 Herb Collection Part - 238 Chapter 38 Meeting Eugene Part -139 Chapter 39 Meeting Eugene Part -240 Chapter 40 Someone out of place Chapter -141 Chapter 41 Someone out of place Chapter - 242 Chapter 42 The cold Part -143 Chapter 43 The cold Part -244 Chapter 44 Sir Ivenkile Part -145 Chapter 45 Sir Ivenkile Part -246 Chapter 46 The Captain came for night inspection. Part -147 Chapter 47 The Captain came for night inspection. Part -248 Chapter 48 A commander as an opponent Part -149 Chapter 49 A commander as an opponent Part -250 Chapter 50 The Nightmare Part -151 Chapter 51 The Nightmare Part - 252 Chapter 52 Fever Part -153 Chapter 53 Fever Part -254 Chapter 54 A day with Princess Adela Part - 155 Chapter 55 A day with Princess Adela Part -256 Chapter 56 Selected Part -157 Chapter 57 Selected Part - 258 Chapter 58 First Order Part -159 Chapter 59 First Order Part -260 Chapter 60 Departure Part -161 Chapter 61 Departure Part - 262 Chapter 62 Stop -163 Chapter 63 The Plan (Part -1)64 Chapter 64 The Plan (Part - 2)65 Chapter 65 Clash Part -166 Chapter 66 Clash Part - 267 Chapter 67 Is there no End 68 Chapter 68 Is there no End (Part -2)69 Chapter 69 What is your name (Part -1)70 Chapter 70 What is your name (Part 2)71 Chapter 71 One more round (Part -1)72 Chapter 72 One more round (part -2)73 Chapter 73 Book 2:The Rescue (Part -1)74 Chapter 74 Book 2: The Rescue (Part -2)75 Chapter 75 Book 2:Back to the Camp (Part -1)76 Chapter 76 Back to the Camp (Part -2)77 Chapter 77 Woke up (part -1)78 Chapter 78 Woke up (part -2)79 Chapter 79 Patch up (Part -1)80 Chapter 80 Patch up (Part -2)81 Chapter 81 What am I doing (Part- 1)82 Chapter 82 What am I doing (Part - 2)83 Chapter 83 Commander Dongyu is back (Part 1)84 Chapter 84 Commander Dongyu is back (Part 2)85 Chapter 85 A Mentor (Part 1)86 Chapter 86 A Mentor (Part 2)87 Chapter 87 Apprentice(Part 1)88 Chapter 88 Apprentice(Part 2)89 Chapter 89 The Training(Part -1)90 Chapter 90 The Training(Part -2)91 Chapter 91 Different Body(Part -1)92 Chapter 92 Different Body(Part -2)93 Chapter 93 Mad Lord (Part-1)94 Chapter 94 Mad Lord (Part-2)95 Chapter 95 The Candidate (Part -1)96 Chapter 96 The Candidate (Part -2)97 Chapter 97 Ambush (Part- 1)98 Chapter 98 Ambush (Part- 2)99 Chapter 99 Burned Down (Part -1)100 Chapter 100 Burned Down (Part -2)