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The Psychopath-Alpha's Loathed Mate


Word Count: 1354    |    Released on: 18/06/2022

ears old Evari could see her destination, Crukooland Kingdom, The triumphant Kingdom

l to the capital at least learn to read and write, But her parents never planned to take her to the c

dle aged lady said with a smirk after she

Crukooland Kingdom" Evari said wit

known to be a triumphant capital, But it's currently being mobilized by Cruel Psychotic Alpha Blake of White Coast pa

land has gone to past ?" Evari asked, But the

is ship that we have successfully reached Crukooland the capital of Coastvill

uring their foods into the sea, Throwi

to the sea according to the norms, 2 hours lat

you going, Sign out now !" The sailer said to her s

the way you signed in" A man rem

t on the signing out paper and her name on it, Sh

s, Street artist and lot more, She has never for once in her entire life se

aimlessly, "Hello beautiful missy ?" A yo

p you ?" Evari

ou keep wondering around, Rogues might take money from you and even hurt you " The little boy said, His ac

she followed him, She thought a teen b

nts would be the maximum amount that would be charged to get a temp

ped her, "such a sweet and friendly you

ck that lives in each household were, She enjoyed the exploration of just few part o

s so tired, "but we've walked so far, How would you get back home ?" Evari as

ccommodation in" He said and Evari smiled, she had

Evari asked with a squinted brows, They have been walking for q

er neck and her hands went numb, Her

other men came out of the the wood smoking v

after she witnessed a little boy


saw a robust man accompanied with two w

an empty room filled with tortur

rom her slumber, Immediately the robust man place

e to a popular brothel house, Here these women would check if you're a

rom the bonny since they're mostly virgins, He presents them to VIP young Alphas from rich househol

n Evari's lap, If she was a Virgin the Vinegar would not drop off, But if she was not a virgin i

l she could but she was just laughed at, And the women

thoroughly, Her long creamy hair was comb

flared transparent gown that shows her pointed pink nip

obust man then entered


She was so weak that she couldn't walk properly d

two women said, Evari's heart

y virginity today

ught in

stache was so scary, He was so fat and hairy,

s she couldn't even move her legs at all, Until the

as he unbuttoned his long sleeved shirt and his p


hopath-Alpha's Loathed Mate, Kindly

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