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The Psychopath-Alpha's Loathed Mate


Word Count: 1250    |    Released on: 18/06/2022

e women had acupunctured her multiple time

y in fears that she would loose her vi

tire life getting dis - flowered by such a m

" The man said as he crawled on her

y like a log he was so erected that he had im

se, Evari couldn't stop perceiving that horrible smell fr

eceitful boy !" She cursed inwardly and regretted

ng it, Her tears wouldn'

wait to devour those titties" he said flirtatiously

n't even Looking at her, the old man touched Evari's clean and

uld just enjoy every bit of her, his heart was raising so bad, H

s, not even a part of her body could move and th

her breasts and was about to pl

vari final

since, but the man halted t

op my enjoyment !?" He

ere he took his BDSM kits out, "I think

or ?" Evari asked still la

bly give you ?" The man a

hy don't you make me give you the whole position you would ever imagine ? Layin

hose words his cock erected more like

gged his album of erotic books, He opened so fas

u ride me like that ?" The man asked, and

ned are always little girls at the age of 9 to 12 y

she could give the position he

I'd Inject you now !" The man said as Evar

cted her on her forehead, on the forehead

de his cock, That he acupunctured

ould move her hands easily, She swiftly sto

she could

down now ?"

as he quickly laid down, Evari gently caressed his

o horny and was driven to cloud n

n't released my seeds that's

g seductive as she quickly too the blindfold and blin

haha "He said and laughing hysterically

ill in his lips, "that's bondage , discipline, sadis

nyways he allowed her, Evari immediately stood up from

edness as she was ready to escape the ho

my cock and ride me !!" The man sai

ving me no in bondage ?" He said

yelling and trying to free himself, It just daw

Get this shit off me, That

elling as he tried to Stand up but hi

cking whores workers g

e heard since the VIP section is rarely fille

nstairs of the brothel, she kept running downstairs, an

ting her speed level and the factor affecting her

upstairs as she ran as fast her legs could carry her, She looked up and saw the m

e could shift to her wolf yet, She was running and she flew from the last stairs to the floor which made


The Psychopath-Alpha's Loathed Mate, Ki

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