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The Ultimatum

Chapter 8 Episode 8

Word Count: 1057    |    Released on: 18/06/2022


amber, Blac

turned in bed all through the night so I guess you can understand why I am a little bit cranky today. I get out of bed and start my day.

l for my breakfast- I do not believe in eating with people of lower status. I do not even like to ea

ather, I am a man of war and sex; pure fucking is what I do and all

nd I value the strength and power of my soldiers so much that I have conditioned my body to always train with them ever

er just three hours of intense training, I ask my Beta, Sylvan, to take over so I can re

neither do I need a glass of warm

s me that she is ready to please. She immediately gets to work and starts to give me a blow job, tonguing me into oblivion. I love it so much that my energy is restored. I grab her and position her

r sore, and I

face, I sleep off

n mentions that tonight is actually the night of the Festival, and that everyone in the pack is already getting ready to go to the Lily White Pack for the celebration. I smirk and ju

continue our border pat


zzard is a very dangerous disease that first struck my pack three years ago. I was very bothered about it because my pack members were dying and there was nothing I could do about it. I put a l

s ecstatic. A lot of money was spent on duplicating the vaccines a

nger vaccine because the virus has come back stronger. I am glad that despite the new ch

about it. Well, the truth is that I always have a bad feeling whenever I am with them, owing to the

bserve that something is different. I look around and see a young, beautiful lady sit

ng, Mother.” I greet and the

,” he turns to the lady beside him. “….is Caroline. She is a full-blooded werewolf and she just arrived from Texas. She is the daughter of Alpha of the Dark

ng in my hand and stare at

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