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Crash landed on love

Crash landed on love

Author: Ray T

Chapter 1 Crashing on earth

Word Count: 2080    |    Released on: 19/06/2022

her, I had to take the flight back that evening. I had worked tirelessly over the weekdays and I had traveled from Mecianda to Nigeria to assist in a surgery which lasted for a few days. It was one of

opath might say, but tru

I couldn't hide it for long. The urge to lie on my pillow and close my eyes for two days made me dizzy. My vision became hazy and when I tried to blink, I collide

ree hand clung onto his clothes for survival, and I couldn't let go because if I did,

t like a second skin. His jaws were sharp, and any man would kill to have a jawline like his. Even his nose was pointed, and he had the most beautiful blue eyes. They were like the ocean blue and staring into th

ped his fingers in my

h my!" I muttered and let go of his suit. I tucked my hair behind my ear and bowed in apology. "I'm sorry, sir," I said to him, and

should be on my way," he said, clearing his throat and walking away, his l


Daya was displayed on my screen, bu

had fiv

zing to everyone that I saw, hit, or even pushed. I had almo

freaking name I thought as I ran. "Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain

ld call my name again. I greeted the atte

hind me and turned. It was the blue-eyed man I collided with. I looked behind him, and when I didn't see a

for earlier." I reached out my hand, hoping he'd understand what I meant, but h

s he walked past me. "I think you should start moving," he said as he walked past me, but he stopped

n I got seated, I yawned and rested my head on the seat. I tried to sleep

've been texting you for awhil

r instead. "Hey Daya," I said weakly, rubbing my ey

pulled the phone away from my ear. Daya's voice sounded as

your husband, whom I have never met

ed, but I ignored her and picked up my phone from the floor, biting my lip as I stared at the scream. The screen had broken and I couldn't see anything

" and turned to face her child. The baby was the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my entire life. She had th

?" I made a req

or not holding your phone against me. If you want, I can help you repai

girl. She played with her black hair and raised her hand to

and her name is Ria,"

y stand on my thighs. She clapped her hands while I and her mother laughed at h

baby's back while I rested my head backwards.

for takeoff and are expected to be on air in approximately five minutes. We ask that you fasten your seatbelt. Please turn

was fast asleep while her mother held her tight in her arms. I guess I needed my own sleep to

altitude of 33,000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles per hour. The time is 12:40pm. The weather looks good, and with the tailwind on our side, we ex

sleep for

ight. It was Ria's mother, and when I turned to face her, she was crying. T

nd over her daughter to me, but the plane shakes terribly, and if she hadn't

s goin

experiencing some turbulence, so please fasten your seat belt

of the engines was in trouble as smoke was rushing out of it. "Oh my God!" I inhaled and exhaled and looked to my left

as more tears escaped from her ey

as it felt like my stomach was rising to my head. I never thought I'd be in this situation of imagining my own death. I've performed surgeries on plane crash victims, but never th

er ever again," she cried as she

d. Ria's mother struggled with the oxygen masks, but I helped her put them over her head and her daughter's. "We'll be fine," I reassured her. She shook ter

ied so hard to calm them down. The plane dropped for a second, and I felt

red in all my life, thi

't drop her. The front of the plane was being stripped away from the body as we bounced across the rocky earth. Finally, the p

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