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The Curves Of The Wonders

Chapter 9 Lovelessness returned!

Word Count: 1217    |    Released on: 21/06/2022

, after he lasted 2 hours galloping at high speed with that ho

er, who sold fruits during the day, and in the nights she had a more arduous work, which allowed her to get more money for her children and required more sacrifice, es

e to those who were constantly drugged like Lyan, were easy, too easy to seduce ... However, the blond brown eyes, melted for Jezika, even so, knowing that although they could accommodate him in a good furniture or a good bed, he could find Jezika, in the arms of

horse that served him as transportation, thanked the security Penco, shaking his hand, well strong and a smile, he only carried himself, and

k stare, played with a clattering so

a, Jez



door and

laimed s

im, but her dog barked so

totally naked, leaned out of the window! She covered her private parts with her l

nly managed to whisper to

en me, the door wide, so


you were lucky, to find me, I'm

family em

ness I have, that springs from deep inside

much more ha


ll right on the bed of a halon, they got on the mattress, which was quite unstable, giving Jezika a nibble, between

ol herself, because she had to know

ationalities, among them her partner, the military, but those ribbons smelled like new and looked like new, this allowed Lyan to be tricked and literally entangled in her lies, and the one who ended up entangled was her,

r lips and felt herself reaching a peak of madness, when throug

y! You're getting ri

daddy? Who'

g her hands tied she had a special gag with a matte black, accompanied by something that reached to c

ell, that's how he rode Jezika, after 2 intense hours of pure

her back, was one of the dancer's last sexual bait, but in the middle of his drunkenness, he forgot th

a tremendous stench, began to knock on Jezika's d

t I was the last one you were taking to bed, get out

ke an unexpected call, if y

o longer represented any threat or impediment to receive the visit of Pestille, who w

they knew them all, and they always fought with impertinent peopl

utting a foot on his chest, to whi

nly made signs that she should not make noise, and Pestille

l asleep, she gave him a sedative, yes, this was one of her tactics, to deal with impertinent people, and since she could not give him a shot, nor a cookie no

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