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The Curves Of The Wonders

Chapter 5 A Dejavu

Word Count: 571    |    Released on: 21/06/2022

e grass, leaning

e where her body was used in an unexpec

hat by allowing them to touch your

voice was heard in the distance, Santa lost her gaze among the stars... savor

nother guy... but that it would be just like that, something crazy,

urn home, but he preferred to stay wh

f the birds inv

hts traveled to Mars... his eyes were fixed

n her private parts, and doing exercises with his tongue..

imum, how her body floated, how the excit

e highlighted by the moon with its light, and in the same way, blood was flowi

that ugly wound"... the tall, blond-haired boy sighs with a smile and thanks him

tried to kill me, I was stabb

he said as Santa healed his large wound...

ow did this

ke that? And why do you

pparently they mistook

here they came from or why they came to me, what I can say for sure is that they

or think that they have found the right

take me with you! Take me w


y eyes and snot runni

ow each other, but he won't leave you stranded here, he

e has lent me, and there I will shelter you a

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