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Washington Square

Chapter 8 

Word Count: 1748    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

y very quiet about it; but the Doctor was of course pr

not mention him to her father, and she saw

on Square, Morris should call there again; and it was no more than natural that, h

ty years ago, in New York, a young man of leisure h

visits, though they had rapidly become the most

was ver

come of it; but the present had

; for she had an idea that love was an eager and exacting passion, and her own

ch a moment that he would not return for a year, or even that he would never return, she would not have complained nor rebelled, but would have humbly accepted the decree,

erine had no sense of her rights; she had only a

lf; for it seemed to her that there would be someth

rris Townsend's visits,

nstantly in silence, as if she meant to say that she

ng else would have done, and he caught himself murmuring more tha

have liked to know exactly how often young Townsend came; but he had determined to ask no q

great idea of b

her liberty, and interfere only

ever even occurred to him to question the servants. As for Lavinia, he hated

d to come

ever young visitor who saved appearances by coming ostensibly for both the l

's treatment of the situation; she had beco

ts of concealment; she had

cuted," said the Doctor; and when at last he questioned her, he was sure

n the house," he said to her, in a tone which, u

tin?" Mrs. Pen

m sure I

t night the old gr

e?" said t


o see that they

else has

tle kittens!" cri

e them drowned

his cigar a few m

he presently resumed, "arises from a

, and very clean," said

ery st

f grace and of neatness; but

ly are not,

be graceful, thoug

t Mr. Morris Townsend is coming

an lifted h


s, if you

othing. But when such things h

reflected intently. "Dear Austin," she said at

ther suffe

; you shall

fidence is i

you take a vow of

no m

ot told me as m

t been ver

, then, who has made

emely indiscreet of you to form

w where they

u mean by an alliance

est in Mr. Townsend;


umstances, that

e of your interes

g, and then breaking into her sm

that he had need

him interesting?


as had mi

resting. Are you at liberty to

he would like it,"

about himself--he has told me

k I ought to rep

I am sure, if he thought yo

you may do any

or gave

ery kindly, then, to l

r brother, with her little finger turned out, "Catheri

at she l


fixed her eyes

ustin, she doesn'

inion, I suppos

I don't conceal from you that I s

he carpet; but at last she lifted it, and t

is very happy; that

to marry her--is t

tly interes

such an attr

said Mrs. Penniman, "and Mr. Townsend h

e help from y

ed the Doctor, "you a

says," observed

is sincere?" as


at's of

dmiration fo

ly si

t appreciative, the most

if he were sure you woul

ther I can u

quire a great de

, sensitive nature,"

fed his cigar a

ities have survived

haven't told me abo

d Mrs. Penniman, "and I r

ion to my saying that he has bee

as paid

has impoveris

ean simply

uch alone in

ehaved so badly that his f

ends, who have deceiv

have some g

ter, and half-a-doze

an was sile

children, and the sister is

to you," said the Doctor; "fo

s upo

nothing for himself; it

st earnestly," said Mrs. Penniman


t here--over there

k-minded woman with a large fort

ve signs of temper. She rose with much animatio

ou regard Catherine as a weak-minded

she moved maje

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