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Author: Okestan19

Chapter 1  From the street of Bahia

Word Count: 2909    |    Released on: 22/06/2022

irline business class. Eric Jones was seeking for international investor's to invest

e, his Malibu beach house, had everything the real estate broker had promised. High, soaring ceilings, a giant stone fireplace, acres of glass

ic a wonderful sense of accomplishment to show off the rooms, the tas

was a legitimate businessman whose enterprises turned a solid profile and

ve chosen to be chained naked on a street electric Pole rather th

n with a long legged, tough wearing a three thousand dollars jacket over a twenty five d

c knew little of his family history,his own parents had been more interested in fighting with eac

tude had deep roots,and stemmed from spe

turned fitheen and knew the best,and most lucrati

s in a small gambling Enterprise that centered around point spreads

t run wi

y and preferred it to be himse

rests had grown nicely a little too nicely

over his body,the split lip and blackened eyes as a business risk

the others in the line of shields and rule books. He knows that t

lf,at least enough to see there were certain advantages t

she Rose to get the door. The woman Manning the station outside the commissioner's


weave some very interesting fantasies about a man like that and fantasies were probably the safest way to be

her eyes as she shut

one hand gripped Eric's while the other gave Eric

s for c

a request from th

ed. Now Fred's office spacious. The glass well was a wide window that looked out on Bahia mountai

coffee s


ed to a chair then walked o

to finish up, politics." He muttered as h

, but he slightly

me being a damn politician

t so." Eric acce

he new club?

e crowd. Lost of gold cards." Eri

maybe I'll bring Marth

e,you get drinks and

"We'll see. l have a little problem, Eri

lad to help

the last couple of months. mostly high dollars, easily liquidated stuffs, jewe

, as him slightly

was murdered. Her jewelries and cash of ove

or all of Bahia community." Eric sai

ing the president,are very up

be." Eric with

y strict surveillance and investigation." Fred

can I do for you?" Eric r

the hits. lncluding that of the former governor's wife, all have one

ed,the only chan

of m

t of the sev

remained pleasant, casual. But his eyes had g

if you're involved. we've bee

down his cup. There weren't many people who mattered enough to

cope marks." He said with his b

t think y

ch pl

ew one.

turned back. "What d

d with the investigating team. Most specifically with the detec

with a rare show of agitation. "You want me to ru

ace." With a half laugh, Fred stretched out his legs. With a soft voice.

ve always got a wave or pass from the police a

great deal to

got it,

n. Right on time." Fred said as his phone rang. "Get yourself some

is desk, picked

e ready." This time aro

but I have a lot of fait

ore coffee. He didn't bobble when th

blonde hair in a straight down the middle of her back, with a well cut

im, but her pretty mouth st

ht have been distracting,but

She had a voice

u're prompt. Er

his fresh coffee. "She has your wife's eyes and the shape

called when her father had gone to one of his hi

otballing skills, she felt he was good en

of former delinquent as her father. She was a little jea

nt some cof

but she didn't sit until the c

stigation. I've given him the overview. I

s in a period of under nine weeks. Estimated cumulative loss of over Nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Four of the homes had security cameras and system. They were di

offee mug across the desk. He ap

s in Bahia. The operations well organized and efficient. we suspect there are

w wh

ES have criminal records. Ande

nd clean for five years and you know they we

clients and I intend to check all the lines. Logic i

He shut on a furio

hear u

because they tripped over the l

we'd wanted to interview them, we would have, we don't need your

rom my people to

they're innocen

e back of his neck. "I understand your in a diffic

governor's wife, and to root out whoever's in

ng you, don'

and Joel yanked down

one on the inside to the investigation. We need to find out who's wo

a joke?"

ou should be able to make room for an

ong laugh, then

aughter working t

issioner wants one of his detective un

ose case it is. Your father,the commissioner asked me to cooper

t is, f

o'clock,my office after JONES. We

ou for th

ing." He walked to the door, st

NES wear black. Black shirt and skirt. Short sk

ngers over her blonde hair,with h

nk I like you

ear, he'll g

ut of her pockets. "

e as I'm

till,if I can't trust your j

going to have a couple

u said Dad, th

Like five days now, they're working too

then talked away again. "l think th

r every damn club in the

JONES. That's smart and it's lo

door. " I guess the first step i

d. " Not t

4:05, thanks to the delay of a las

and half again that much if she att

and this being a high profile case with the interest of the

. Her apartment was simply and not so big, mostly bec

house was second on the list of priorities, and here apartm

table black skirt. If she could manage a quick change,she might actually have time to

d at the length when she held i

as she stripped off her trousers. she

ones. She knew a good deal about him her f

vices, the atmosphere, and the superior fast break provided. But that was b

trust the man, so she'd

skirt. she looked through the shoes on the floor of he

ed it back. lipstick, makeups, earrings, perfume. Then she closed her

n she picked up her weapon (A nine millimeter pis

but she'd decided against the drive after all and had run the ten blocks. Not such

r the door,an

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