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My eternal Summer love

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 2044    |    Released on: 29/06/2022

she wanted to discuss with him. The longing was mixed with nervousness. It was easier to talk on the phone than in person, but he would face it. She laughed at herself and her cra

ning against the gate, in his pale blue jeans and a yellow shirt that she loved. Her heart melted when she saw him like that, trying to look more casual. When he saw

d you? as

ways. sh

e. - He said taking her by

l call

nd we didn't hea

this... He'

smile on his face at the gate

– Maiquel said, givi

kissed him twice on the cheek. Involuntarily Bruna

decided today, when we found out that her elders are goin

tion is for both of us, we

w could that woman irritate her so much? Control your jealousy... That's what the therapi

iquel asked, trying to igno

- said

go with them, Cat

would have a definitive conversation about marriage. And no… She wouldn't have lunch with their two friends together. She let go of Adrian's hand and walked quickly, not looking back. She was angry and feeling angry. But she still walked t

you do t

and still want to get together for lunch instead of just being with me? Is this serious? I'm tired of these two chasing me around, forcing a friendship that doesn't exist between me and them. I can't stand Catita. I try to

an invitation to have lunch together, nothing more. Maybe they didn't even really want

them and for

so jealou

hey're always trying to be among u

n in his hands and looked into her eyes. - Ca

n't his own. the green eyes gave way to light brown eyes, almost hon

ing okay, Br

... Al

strange way all of a sud

t... I'm upset. And I know Cat

xcept as a friend, dear. He does

e insist on irrit

t out of spite... It's jus

n me or your friends... Unfortunately. I no longer want to share it with an

na. And I really hope the day never c

about what you would choo

thout either of them

t marry them.

. Not even you, damn it. He sa

d ran out, letting the tears roll down her cheeks. Adriana started the

ly with the car beside her. – I didn't mean to say

ng you have to say. Forget me

e saw him put on his sunglas

you know it. It was not

saw that it was after 1 pm. His stomach was asking for food. She had a routine appointment at the hospital at 4:30 and decided she would have lunch and hang around until it was time for her appointment. She was a little shaken by what she'd heard from Adrian. I really didn't expect that attitude from him. If he preferred his friends, she would leave him free to go with them as a bachelor. She would never look for him again, even though her heart was torn apart. After lunch she went to a store to look for some new bracelets, which she loved to buy, and then went for a walk in the park. She even had an ice cream by herself, which she hadn't done in a long

. Late as usual, she thought. But when he arrived, they told him to wait that the doctor was la

felt her heart stop beating and her legs nearly left her on the floor. It was him... the man from her dream the night before. Those light brown eyes, the color of honey… There was no mistaking it. And he was still sure it was his eyes he'd seen on Adrian during the car fight. A shiver ran through her body so much that she shivered. Their eyes met for a second, maybe two... Bu

came in still confused and s

sked, sitting down and gest

ing crazy for good. - Sh

table with him. They had known each other

you thi

left here? The one in

n't talk abou

This morning I talked about the crazy dream about a stranger coming out of nowhere. Then I come face to face w

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