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My eternal Summer love

Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 1932    |    Released on: 29/06/2022

ver 2 weeks to organize the perfect wedding. Bruna had already done many things, but An

looking especially at the last one she had won from Adrian, she remembered how much she had given the wedding invitation to Maiquel and Catita. She had the impression that the two would marry one day, as they were very close.

anaged to hold him. – Bruna sa

s never a t

t always was for you. At least it always seemed to t

emotional, if you know what I mean. I never had his heart... But the body I had all... And what a body, isn't it? – she scoffed. – Our relationship has always been very … warm , shall we say. And you know what I think of the relationship between the two of you? Pathetic... This is the truth. I know an Adrian you'd be shocke

urprised by his aggressive reaction to Adrian's ex-girlfriend. What would he think when he found

not even sure the trophy is yours. You pity me. - Sh

re, confused, nervous, running his

pened between them was just sexual... And it's been a long time... Many years to be precise . He always love

at to say. – Bruna confessed regretfully, wit

such hatred... Believe me

ut that... The jok

ike that. Anyone who knows her knows

ot know what happened. P

an apology and need to do it in person. W


ooking into her eyes, confused. – When you t

not und

ve... And that's different from what I'm used to with women. That's why I find her so... Special. I

onfused and nervous. “Here's somethi

gh her straight hair. - You are very special. And because I'm very good friends with Adrian,

y from her hair and too

please don'

new face: the aggressive Bruna, who doesn't always passively a

old you... I don't wan

see sadness in those big blue eyes. And I can not understand why . You are

ughed ir

e man to unrave

not me. – he

tle afraid, his words about her brought her a certain enchantment. Maybe the fact

she asked smiling showing

it's not me, your faithful admi

– she scoffed again. “Or trying to s

ight man... But

sly. 'Your catchphrase didn't work. I love Adrian and he has alw

so sure? He was h


een curious to ta

n petulant o

ind of friend are you, who hits on your

Adrian, Bruna. We were always

rstand where y

re you tried to end

an you

everything together. Until you show up in

ed him to brea

ve. You won us over in the beginning so that we would accept you. Then all he did was try to avoid me

th you. Does Cristiano love Cassiane and am I to blame for t

he wanted to and you know it. S

lieve what I

d in your life . This is what I think. He lives in his closed world and doesn't let anyone be part of it. And decided that Adrian would also be part of the world you created, without interfer

bracelets that covered her wrists, leaving the ma

past. - she said. - You

rs in astonishment a


l. Don't try to know


over. It's just an imperfect

stand a l

t I have my problems too, you know? If I accidentally took Adrian away

iends since

elf, I don't know m


. - No need to apologize. You're speaking your mind...

d to have security or you will lose it. Today it's friends, tomorrow it could be co-workers or

ions to you and Catita wasn't easy. - She said wiping her tears. - And... If you can n

t. - he said. – I re

t that she might have interfered with Adrian's friendships without realizing that several people were involved. She really didn't have any friends, so she didn't really understand affection and how relationships took place in that sense. And he regretted havi

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