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Mated To The Ice Prince

Chapter 7 The King Of Carish

Word Count: 367    |    Released on: 28/06/2022



en smoke coming out of the sorcery basement.King Ba

sement, the wizard made

e "He sai

hick potion boiling inside it. He smiled sinisterly, wizard poured

ed, King bayard Had been behaving weird for the oast weeks, and no one knew th

m including khaerolia that he had just managed to destroy,he planne

e destroyed khaerolia, he added khae

o marry princess Alirea, but her father was flattered and he bluntly refused."Try to understand your majesty, you are already old, Alirea is just seventeen years old

e,and vowed to destroy khae

of his men, but he

he called for his couns

search for the princess,i must

"But your majesty m

s I say!"h

o ask again, king bayard might

jesty"he bow

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