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Arrogance And Sweet

Chapter 2Ā Arrogant

Word Count: 1988 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 22/07/2022

arrogant boss, who was contin

ting" she said annoyed. "Whoa Whoa Relax what happened? You

g me, like I am a Cinderella and he is evil stepmother, siste

talk to aunt Matilda" said a little girl from the other side.

will sent you on this Christmas okay?" she asked. "I want a teddy bear and chocolates for the Christmas" she said happily. "Anything for my little muffin" she said s

her phone started showing a call from unknown number. "Ivan I will call you later, I got a

ery deep voice fr

o is it?"

I want them on my desk tomorrow" he said from the ot

e came into herself. "Agree-ment?" she said startled. "The jerk want the agreem

een drinking coffee for the whole night. Finally at 4 O

to the door Natalie had gave her yesterday. She opened the door, but the view in front of her was displeasing. She opened her mouth in gasp, her cheeks turned bright pink. The supermodel of company was laying on the table while M

without knocking?" said Jane, it w

ch is doing here? Manner less, you should not work here, you sh

g her, which bring a lo

have repeat the classes" a voice came inside her mi

tead she was staring at the floor. "I should speak for myself" said a voice inside her. "You poor little creep, you are like

es, he had gone startled, he thought she will say something, apologize or at least she will defe

e said with

"No Not you, you leave now" she turned to look he wa

s expressions were stone, like poker face. "Leave" he said in a col

put her things over the table. She put the Agreement over his desk. "Mr. Easton Agreement is ready" she said in a ver

a lot work today. She started working, when she heard him "Not t

. Easton" she

through the 100 pages agreement


much less talk- active. "He is so quiet, why he doesn't speak much?" she thought. "Miss Huston!

ou take, so I have bring the pot with me" s

s half spoon sugar in his tea, and turned towards her desk. She looked

ht. "Do you want to say something Miss Huston?" he said with

eeting after three day with Freedove and I

so much embarrassing. "She is clever"


when she heard something. She turned it was a cat, it

" she picked it up in her a

was still in pain. She took the handkerchief and tied it around the injured leg of the cat and she was so much worried. "Ju


ide the car and starts it. He was now outside of parking build

so sad. "What happen to her?" he thought. He was about to get out of the car when

r?" he thought and then a

searching for the first aid kit. She settl

ou must be hungry let's give you some treat" she said and put some milk in a bo


. "Yes Miss Natalie" she said. "These are textile reports, as I have to arrange board meeting so

d took the textile reports. "Amm Miss Husto

t the office y

e said softly and got insid


A man in his 40s was typi

said while putting the reports on his desk. He looked up at her. He was peak

w employ he

eah I am new here"

p from h

e asked in a tone which giv

broken voice. He walked towards h

ome treat you will decide the dinner place" he said in a ver

employ in the company, seems like you

't you dare to speak to me like that, you junior littl

d luckily it has been opened. Without noticing who is in she got inside the lift. She was about to push 34, when a hand pushed

nd over his expressions. He saw her coming out of roo

ead to avoid the closeness. His expressions changed

t afraid. "Is he supporting him for what he

o that pig again what will happen?" she thoug

d her arm softly and pulled her with him towards the roo

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