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Affair in Araby

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 3719    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

k like a

that way too, to keep an eye on her. He being a Sikh, could sit in the corridor without exciting comment, and being dressed for

b costume, and I trying to look like a tourist. Jeremy was supposed to be a t

f of them were in a panic, encouraged to it by their shrill women-folk, fighting in a swarm for tickets at one small window, where an insolent Levantine demonstrated his capacity for self-determination by making as many people as possible miss the train. I caught sight of Mabel Ticknor in the front compartment of our car, and Grim pointed out Yussuf Dakmar leaning through a window of the car behind. His face was fat, unwhole

, smirked back, with a sidewise inclination of the head in my dire

you," said Grim in an undertone. "We'd bett

etorted. "One clean kick might s

d. "We need him until

they'll have a gang at

warn them off if

for a lazy journey. Narayan Singh was on a camp-stool in the corridor, snoozing with one eye open like a faithful sheep-dog. It didn't seem

to get her started, when Yussuf Dakmar arrived at our door, carrying his belonging

been welcome, but we would have preferred a pig to Yussuf Dakmar. Jeremy, democrat of democrats, who had slept without complaining between the

he ordere

tter; and he was one of those hogs, anyhow, who glory in snouting in where they are plainly not wanted. He took the corner seat opposite Jeremy, t

t than by the stuff they devour. If you don't believe that, try living in camp for a week or two with a man who chews meat with his mouth open. You'll f

with a shovel!" Jeremy informed him in blunt

nly they put plaster of Paris in the hole, and when it rained the wretched man was squeezed until the blood came out of his mouth an

Jeremy answered in Arabic, quoting the rudest pro

ts ruler? Who is

is little cold eyes shone like a hungry pariah dog's.

he went on, "of a new

think of Fei

ame contentedly. Jeremy, intercepting Yussuf Dakmar's glance, put his own construction on it. He is a long, lean man, but like

ed, tested with his thumb suggestively, and then placed in his sock, studying Yussuf Dakmar's

lood capable of creeping it's a safe assertion that they crept. Jeremy acted as if he didn't understand the weapon, and for fifteen minutes did more stunts with it than a puppy can do with a

ad ceased to amuse him, and taking advantage of a jerk as the train slowed down, contrived to drop it into the Syrian's lap; who rather naturally swore; w

y in an awestruck whisper where "it" was. He slapped himself all over in a hurry, feeling for hidden pockets, and then came over and pretended to search me. There wasn't anything t

the wallet to Jeremy in order to have an alibi ready for Mabel in case of need. Grim took up the cudgels now and reminded me respec

. "Inshallah, it is not lost, but in the wallet i

on his head to shake his clothes, examined it excitedly, and produced the fake envelope, flourishin

ouldn't find it. In a well-simulated agony of nervousness he called on Yussuf Dakmar to get down and help him search, and the Syrian hadn't enough self-command left to pretend to hesitate; his col

inized the whole floor of the compartment lay naked to the eye, except where my feet rested. Jeremy insisted on my raising them, t

tation, and was trying to search Jeremy's pockets from the rear-no easy matt

up, resumed his seat-and glared at Yussuf Dakmar, who retire

I believe you have stolen my letter! Like the saint's ass, you are a clever devil, aren't you? Nevertheless, you are like a man without f

the fervour that a blackguard generally does

onor I swear to you that I haven't touch

beard!" commanded Jerem

madman! How can

? Father of easy words and evil

to me as presumably r

ho plays with the cat must suffer her claws, so now he accus

I answered. "That is a

the consequences m

he has the letter and that I will have it back!" Well, that was a challenge there was no side-stepping. Sure of being able to prove innocence, Yussuf Dakmar decided that a bold course was the best. He proceeded to empty his own pocket, laying the contents on the seat before Jeremy's eyes. And Jeremy watched like a p

after turning inside-out the two "secr

torted. "Until I see you na

again. He was a patient s

t to that indignity?" he ask

o it I will cut your cl

y ann

. By that time Yussuf Dakmar had made up his mind. He slipped off his jacke

my seized him suddenly by the elbows and spun him face about. And there the letter lay, face downward on the s

nkey inserts his arm, fills his hand with corn, and tries to pull it out, but can't unless he lets go of the corn, which he won't do. So you catch him. Yussuf Dakmar held up his pants with one hand, and tried to free himself

thought he knew definitely where the letter was now, and the wolf glance wit

his pants and resumed his coat. "This friend of yours-or is he your servant?-mad

ficult, for then he would probably summon assistance at Haifa. Encouragement was the proper cue, now that Jere

id, quoting one of those copybook proverbs wit

accuser should now apologize, and we can

ceeded to

such a thief

m hand to hand-pretending to drop it and always catching it again within a fraction of an inch of Yussuf Dakm

sweaty with excitement as he shrank back to avoid the sp

air on cannon-balls, and whatever I wish for is mine the next minute. Look, I have one piastre. I wish for twe

person? You? Where

it and gold is so common that the cattle wear it in their teeth. I can talk three languages at once and swear in s

calls himself Ramsden, which is derived from the name of a creature bearing wool, which in turn is a synonym for money. He'

interesting. American money perhaps

? Yes, I put it there. I'm an honest man, but I have my reasonable doubts about this other fellow. Ramsden effendi found him somewhere, and engaged him as a servan

amascus. I will give you my address. If Ramsden effendi has only engaged you temporar

him without expecting me to believe the truth he tries to foist on me. I want to find a man as tricky with his brains as I am with my hands. He must be a politician and a spy, because I love excitement. That

n in the service of Ra

r ask

ill more difficult. It is a mystery how such a man as he should be entrusted with a secret mission, for he drinks with anyone. Aha! He scowls at me because I tell the t

motive behind every apparently random absurdity that Jeremy gets off, but I was uncomfortably conscious of the fact that my wits don't work fast enough to follow such vo

pencil out, and contrived to flick a piece o

Dismiss him for talking about you to

y drinker in a fit of sudden rage, and di

ther fellow finds it easy to put you to bed tonight! Allah is likewise good, for I

tion ceased abruptly. But at the end of ten minutes or so Yussuf Da

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