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Night love with the evil general manager

Chapter 2 One-night stand

Word Count: 1223    |    Released on: 30/06/2022

streets are still busy with cars, and the flow of people rushes past each other. Drusilla Norah still kee

e is not to disclose customer information? If he didn't say it, how could the demon general manager find out about

c kept crashing, making the whole room scream with ex

him anywhere** Drusill

l, let her catch you is really bad

leg, i

tartled, and a man

n a hurry so I didn't notice." She

her, raising the

ully you, but can you

m, nodding in agreement. He told her to go to the other side of the table to wait a bit, get her drink and come over. She fli

in her hand, the corners of her mouth curved up to look at her. Quickly wanting to find the other guy for a match, she didn't think deeply, took a break, and then took a sip of half a glas

e palm of the other, the other holding he

so heavy today?*. She

o hug her, clearly a question of concer

put something in the wine glass, not finished, more and mo


just wait for the medicine to

go back

slowly opened her eyes, and due to the side effects of the medicine

d around, a handsome face suddenly

if he turns to dust she still r

ake? How d

on between his words,

she looked at him with the eyes of the east wind, very

ew Vincent flashed his displeasure, this

ts of yesterday, trembling slightly, bringing her hand to her mouth. Horrible, she rem

remember anything, after all, why

o the window, took out a cigarette and lit it, ble

round to those discos,

ht?". Drusilla Norah cocked her chin to look

ne-night stand with someone else!!". Andrew Vincent said each senten

he save her? But this on

rrassed to meet his eyes, lowering her head to look down. Wh

ect to have." He dropped his cigarette on the floor, moved his feet lightly, and walked over to the bed, whispering close to

else....". Speaking of this, she suddenly has no language, what can she do wi

him, he was so strong, she couldn't move. His tongue roamed over her mouth as if probing every nook and cranny, unable to get out, she was slowly drawn in, returning the kiss passionately. It wasn't until the two of them began to st

no longer any reason to hide from me, don't pretend to be cold in front of me, you don't know how to pret

e a bad

ith a kiss, her face like a bomb


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