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Night love with the evil general manager

Chapter 4 DRUSILLA NORAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Word Count: 2060    |    Released on: 30/06/2022

to get out of bed, grabbed the clock on the table, and tried to strain her eyes to see what time it

e, just like that, she covered her head with a pillow. As expected, who would have tho

he phone is not sleeping enough, please do not

was completely irritated, the eyebrows twitched, the eyes sparkled, and the teeth

!!". He put all his breath

g her eyes to look at the phone screen, it was the bastard And

.. um, I have some personal business


Andrew Vincent got angry, his face stiffened, a

, the first day she went to work, she had a bad impression, after five months, she knew who t

harming her, and running for her life and death, wit

her greeting, approaching with a ro

the company, I yelled!!". Her face was flushed red, p

e deducted." He placed his hand on her face, curvi

body begin to feel a little uncomfortable, he wa

breathing was heavy, and his other hand slid down. at her feet, one hand holding the other trying to pull her dress down. Realizing that something was wrong,

ut seductive moaning sound, he bit her breast lightly. her, a few centimeters had a red mark again, the other hand crept lustfully under her sensitive area, sensing that his dragon was ever ready to fight, he suddenly pushed pressed her against the wall, lifted one o

the pleasure seemed to be at its climax, it was unexpected that

of them not want to stop. She puffed her chest up, her breathing muscles couldn't take it anymore and raised a hand to cover her face, but she kept making lewd sounds. He bent down slig

ting not being able to kill him, what a shame! He slowly pulled out the deep dragon, still unable to let go, and gently placed her on the ground. Adjusting his outfit, he tied his

e help

lcanic lava, her whole body was hot, wanting to stay away from this

to move, afraid that this guy would get excited and do another rou

e chair, put her on his lap, and kissed her lightly o

w I know you're a r

d directly into her eyes with deep eyes, she couldn't speak even if she wa

on the lips as if to

art, I l

m here to see how small the buildings were. Work is also very attentive today, Andrew Vincent went abroad on business early, I don't know

louds drifted slowly, only the flow of people was still in a hurry, each one busy with their destination. Today she is very comfortable, not

". A bri

is person doesn't know politeness at all! She rai

and their fragrance is still calling to entice her to welcome. pick. Bringing slender fingers forward, the flower is in her arms, gently bent down to take a b

invite you to dinner today?" He ra

e overdoing it." She c

ut the city that makes many girls want to climb into his bed to change their lives, but it is not too surprising. when he kept stalking her like

ng master pursues a beautiful woman like y

er, with a bouquet in her hand." A tall man crouched

k of

here, I can go up to the house without seeing you off." Drusilla Norah

little unwilling to leave and deep in his face was a look of hesitation. She turne


o you have?"

days. I'll conquer you! Shall we date?". Isek seriou

out her other hand to remove his hand, looking h

e I will fix it..". His cut face was no longer stro

ened the door and got out of the car quickly. Less than ten steps from the car, there wa

alked without looking ba

I won't give

his society. Stepping to the door, suddenly saw something under the door, like a gift bo

meticulously, inside was a handbag of Hermes

ah picked up the bag and sweated it out, in her hand. Although it looks like a normal bag, it's worth nearly a hundred thousan

after returning it! She put the bag in the closet, it's amazing how this closet has so many bags, a valuable asset of hers is lying in a cheap cabinet. There is a saying "It doesn't matter whether the outside is to

ike winning the lottery on t

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