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The Ugly Secretary Became The Billionaire’s Bride

The Ugly Secretary Became The Billionaire's Bride


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1310    |    Released on: 03/07/2022

r silver heels were clutched to her chest with her two arms. She looked like a Victoria Secret model with her long legs and small body. As soon as she got out, trying to run, a man

she just saved a thief. Before she could say a word, Aria had placed the necklace in her bag and ran away. Nadine wanted to stop her but it was too late. Damn! She looked at the bracelet in her hand, it looked like that of a man and very expensive. She sighed before thinking of going back to the spot and returning the bracelet at least. However, by the time she reached, the car had gone. The blood of the man she had hit was still on the floor, it pained her heart and she regretted doing what she had done. Nadine decided to go home, she looked at the bracelet and kept it in her bag. As she dipped it in her bag, her hand felt something else, it was a paper- the one she had just received from the hospital. A smile popped up on her face while she held her belly, she knew her husband would be so happy about it. Few minutes later, the cab stopped in front of her house, she paid the man and headed inside with a smile plastered on her face. Once she reached the living room, she met a red bag and red heel shoes on the floor. Her eyes widened, she didn't know what to think. She looked at the room door and reached for it, before she opened the door, she sighed and closed her eyes while saying a prayer. Once she opened the door, the scene she saw made her widen her eyes while a pain sprang up in her head. She could only stare at the scene, her throat became dry while her palm became moist. She opened her mouth to say a word but nothing came out of them. She turned around and walked out, called another cab which took her to another house. Once she reached, she walked inside and met Claire Moore. She was a woman in her fifties with a very beautiful statute and stance. "Mother, Just now... after I left your place, I met Nathan with another woman. She placed her head and hand on his chest and the duo slept like they have no problem." Tears dripped from the corner of her eyes. Claire widened her eyes, she held her hand quickly with no words to say. "Nadine, you have to listen to me. I know you feel so much pain right now but you can't cry too much, think of the baby's and your health. Oh my good

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