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I'm The Queen Of The Wolf King

Chapter 6 Lily

Word Count: 1497    |    Released on: 07/07/2022

suddenly felt her heart ache. She stroked Alice's soft white h

'm not going anywher

onal and couldn't beli

really reall

ice has indeed gone back in time. It was the god who had merc

he end. She would not allow anyone to have the opportunity t

vely smile was also gone, but instead there were gritted teeth, determined to take revenge. The innocent, useless seventeen

was certain that she would make those bastards suffered a h

Alice finally returned to her room to change her clothes. Only now did she fe

d brush her hair. The maid who was in the room a while ago came wit

id many times had suffered punishment for her, covered and helped her escape the harm of the bad guys

as still someone who was honest

er name?


the maid rai

, what can I

ill remembered h

near the bed, wet the towel, wring it carefully, and then went to the side

of water closer, just

s taken

njured. You shouldn't touch the water right now

neither short nor long, but it was enough to turn a cherished and pampered young lady into a commoner accustomed to suffering. Doing everything from washing, cooking, chopping firewood, carrying water, picking mushrooms

ous life. There were always servants next to her. Now she was n

ck of her hand. She remembered that yesterday when she went to the

almly r

to me. It's okay to dip a little

s hand and then raise

ul and scarred. My hands are not like yours. Look at these

e la

hands and your fingers are also very b

s praised, she blus

t, my lady. I will love my

her thin, wrinkled, rough hands, full of calluses and scratches from her previous work. It was really different from heaven and ear

a towel, I want to

rtain to let the light in, brighten up the room, and quickly brought the hand-held mi

t clean. How long had it been since she'd seen her rosy face

g have you bee

rised again because her lady

ver talking or asking about the servants. However, today the lady praised the l

n a maid at this man

you wo

very grateful to Madam for her kindness, so I have decided to wo

ly had served her for a long time, bu


ught into the mansion, are there any


re special me

ought in here but not as a

that, Li

dy. I mean... they were brought into the mansion by the Earl of Sirent himself a month ago. He said they were distant rela

rranged everything be

y friendly. But it seems rather strange... P

me everythi

eyes, but I heard some gardeners whispering to each other. If the Earl finds out about thi

ded with

one sided with the two of them. Not only that, they did not know what to be afraid of, but secretly meet each o


tle red with embarrassment, and handed the towel back to Lily.

y to serve. May I help

and was now a little sore. If she didn’t lean something, it would be a bit difficult to move. Alice silently sc

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