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I'm The Queen Of The Wolf King

Chapter 4 This Alice...will definitely come back and drag them to hell!

Word Count: 1112    |    Released on: 07/07/2022

nd hug her mother right away. But the man caught her or pressed her

u can stop here. You should complete your missi

ng so that Alice couldn't see clearly what paper it was. She could only see her mother's bo

man bent down and grabbed the paper. Seeing the line

inheritance. Signed by The Marquise of Rothnor - Irene

ed to hear what t

black hair also e

t I? You're the lady, and I'll be the only noble la

nting her mother to force her once more to confirm h

!! You are not human!! How can

teeth in satisfaction, loo

ance to live in the mansion, wouldn't it be so bad now? I want to steal everything

roat was so tight that she couldn't make any sound. He

too careless to forget that you still have the right to inherit from your mother. That's why yo

in front of Alice, with a s

o dares to stop me from becoming the nobl

too. Why could money turn the people who were previously ge

r long gown, and walked away. Before leaving, she added

eward for you guys. When you're done, clean it up. M

y, my hono

ed Alice. Two pulled her to her feet, and the other two walke


r you guys want! Everything! Pleas

e hair, tilted her neck back, th

ou, please! Don't do t

nd then she smiled. The moment the blade cut

... I was unable

DON'- !

ence, she saw a bright red blood

not give in to ki

truggling, she escaped from the oth

entire body of

s still warm, but there was no breath left

nly reason to keep trying to live... Her

ged her mother, who had

eave me.


ust need to move yo


en your eyes mom...


I will take you out of this hell. I be


w many words, how many painful pleas, onl

bottom of her lungs t


the slightest. They quickly pulled her awa

e was like an animal that scra

why don't you let us go? W

d Alice's mother snee

and perverted. Our job is to cooperate ha


ybe I will be moved to s

hands. At this point, the pain gradually turned into a fire of anger that was burning Alice's heart. She was no longer calm enough to

s Alice, even if she becomes a demon,

ecisively slashed a slit i

e who harmed her mother. Her thin and pitiful body

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