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My fate

Chapter 3 Nightmare 2

Word Count: 1033    |    Released on: 09/07/2022

traumatic experience which kept haunting her, she gazed at her

d put on shades and nose

y. She studied business law and became a business tycoon in the " cosmetology business empire ". She took part in many movi

d the plane, reminiscences about her past business deals kept her busy

y she refuses to see her parent." Hello Madame ", all the inhabitants of

k. "Tell Beatrice to arrange my cosmetics and none should go missing, unle

easy sleep, as the words of distruction echoed " I know you li

e put on a sleeveless A- line dress with turquoise coloured

nd skin care Industry ", she smiled to herself, " finally my dream has come true".

department informed her. " you better, this lip gloss product is the hope for women with chapped or black lips and can even be used on the eyelids, this better be tested,

ionist informed her through the telephone, " OK", she

ir, for four good years she has been

loved and she still does even if he hurt her but her love has been channeled into hatred, she wanted to rip him piece by piece, she wants to ruin hi

him", she said, Maryanne calmed down as what she has been expecting to hear was ready, " your client, Mr Charles, he is a very deadly business man, he always plays dirty, he is the head of the group of bandits that att

her desk with furrowed brows, if she is to get rid of him, she must know the basics in orde

ot of money to cover up his act. Secondly, he is in trouble as the Don ken is after him, you know the Don is ve

ason for marrying you is to establish his reign in the underground business as you and I know that the Don has no heir apparent to the throne, by marrying you he would be muc

the only one that has access to it, you need to be careful boss, from the few days I've stalked him I have come to know that he is an evil and cunning ma

rmation, thanks and I'll make

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