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Rosa multiflora on military uniform

Chapter 6 Travel Plan

Word Count: 1045    |    Released on: 09/07/2022

ambodia so that the police there help control the trucks that cross th

n the team was under pressure with this case. But they must

or anything that can be communicated by radio, there is a chance that Juns will find a way to contact us. With such a l


Captain Uy, everyone


l was sleeping soundly on the bed, her long hair flowing all

e curtains into the sleeping eyelashes


and reached out to turn it off.

eeping." She p

design lesson by Master Chu today?" Tangs' voic

dream, she sat up and used the fastest speed to

d the kitchen table, and quickly grabbed

and got in and quickly

t over half a year left for her to graduate, and these days, she has been

It was difficult for her to stay awake for a few nights t

erate, fortunately this part of the road was not too cro

or, she finally got her butt down on the preci

students who are late, you're going to be late to dr

ow, I

to her and started tak

s brown eyes. She knew that because of her story, she immediately went to find those

wearing a smooth black suit, entered the class

rep takes a


e class, it must be said that a class like this has more than a hundred studen










turned his head to loo

repeated i

hulf's voice rose a

drawings, but her eyes stopped at an empty space on t

even show h

oked at her worriedly, she was only afraid that

find us anymore." Reading the worry in

you doin

here was a sinister glint in her clear ey

eve nervously, she was just afraid that the man wh

e lured him, but no matter how drunk she was, she could still see

og is next to a

rs, but she still couldn't forget the guy from that year, and

e same p

lf-deprecating smile, whoever says that

of time, there are many moments when she really wants to dr

g him by, just looking at each other for

on the main road, she could only stay here a

ance.. No, the two of them weren

are you,

urn white, her eyes filled with sad

e teacher." Rose flashed a bright

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