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Menace Association

Chapter 4 Haruto had Tattoos

Word Count: 1126    |    Released on: 09/07/2022

s right

nd, Agatha caught Fuji's atte

ou're doing something nasty please, she y

alks downstairs she suddenly noticed a newsp

ouch as she lit

ess on a condo in the Mina

ettes as she continu

aori Saeko was tortured like tied, burned he

s the gru

d the pieces of her body and disposed

d skull into an oversized Hello Kitty mermaid doll. Additionally, they kept one

d it on the table, she puffed on her

no mercy for killing s

king down stairs, revealing Aki

dy done? Agatha's lip

ime time? Fuji asked w

ed in disgust then ro

laughed, Fuji just

d at the two ladies as

ast night huh Agatha? Akira exclai

gatha respond poking h

e called me

Akira you ju

led hey eyes, anyways w

responded like she's proud of

ra chokes on the wa

Agatha ju

table and walks towards her

ou know that they're one of a notorious mafia

Akira's shoulder, but you also forgot

that, they just laugh

ich specially their boss

member of that association, Aga

r head, amusement was wr

le the corner of her l

douchebag anymore as her eyes

yy you say so she just sh

, i've to deal with so

was about to close the door

e next time when you're

r middle finger at he

ls, she heard the door opened assuming that it

when the person hug her from behind

ruto because of his fav scent tha

an I have

g him, as the two of th

nd then pinned it to the

hat i want to go

Haruto, it was his brother Haruno leaning at th

s Mr. Hasegawa? She looks at his siren l

ispered at her, Because i know


o smirk then chuckles

you, Haruto spoken then tugged her hair behind her

and turn her back at him to

t was a Ryujin (aka Ryu-o) a

side was mine and I want

hen she suddenly bump into the male's ch

placing it to his right side of

today. She pulled her hand off him as she pushed Haruto using all of her

a bit manspread.He patted his lap,

he's right, Agatha wear a

nding when she caressed his chest

etch she began to shrink

t he was getting aroused by looking

into his flesh, Haruto rested his gigantic p

ted the time he lai

d, and continued her work on

ip, when he felt the needles

e suddenly felt his thro

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