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Menace Association

Menace Association



An innocent girl who just wants some justice, falls into amidst of darkness after the death of her parents. Where Samael the leader of the Yakuza wants Agatha a menace to society serial killer to join them.

Chapter 1 The Scums

Agatha Schneider a daughter of infamous Serial killer and a murderer named Amanda and Jeffrey Schneider. The couple were responsible for Homicide, Genocide and also Robbery.

She sat near the window to feel the breeze of cold air, Agatha took a deep breath as she sigh in disbelief.

A few strands of hair fell over her innocent face, as she reminisce her bond with her parents. Agatha was left at the orphanage for her own good.

Both of her parents promised that they'll comeback since, living with them was too dangerous for her.

One day her life falls apart when the news spread, that her parents are both found lifeless.

A few years later she did something gruesome and bizarre plan that made her moved to another country.

Until Japan's one of the most successful crime syndicates wants her to be a part of their organization.

Since she was feared by many because of her parents brutal activities and countless body count.

Berlin, Germany

3rd Person Pov

Agatha wakes up because of the sunlight that flashes through her window, she felt like it caressing her face.

She yawned, then decided to got up, fix her bed and roamed around the small orphanage where she lived.

The maiden finds herself at the garden, Agatha embraced the breathtaking view of their place.

All of a sudden, she remembers something that she had something task to do.

"Silly how can i forgot to feed my pets, they must be starving rn". She panicked then hurriedly got back inside the orphanage.

Preparing some buckets where she can place the food of her pets.

"Ugh these kinda smells so bad Agatha complained to herself"

While on her way to the Orphanage's basement,a news paper caught her attention that laying on the floor and she picked it up.

The 3 Nuns of Stephanus Orphanage are still missing. It's been already a week since they've disappeared and still knowhere to be found.

A tear escaped from her left eye, the young woman started to sob.

"I hope they'll comeback soon i missed them so much", she whispered her voice were cracking due to her silent cries.

Shoot I almost forgot again for the second time, she wiped her tears as she decided to continue her unfinished business.

She's already infront of the basement's door and twisted the doorknob which leads to unlock the door.

Agatha started to hummed a song then throws the bucket inside the basement, then leaned in the door while crossing her hands.

"Tili Tili Bom close you eyes now.

Someone walking outside and knocking on the door".

Her eyes roamed around the basement, disgusted was drawn all over her face. When she noticed that a lots of flies and worms there are roaming inside the basement.

She continues to hummed the lullaby.

"Tili Tili Bom the night birds are chirping.

He's inside the house to visit those who can't sleep"

The corner of her lips curved a smile when she witness that her pets eats like a wild animals.

"You guys liked the songs that I prepared for you guys?, Btw my mom used to sang this for me whenever i'm having a nightmares since i was a toddler" a smirk crept on her lips.

"He walks, he is coming closer"

The three nuns screamed at the top of their lungs, but it's just an inaudible.

"You guy must love the song, am i right old hags"? Agatha uttered while smirking.

"Tili Tili Bom.

Can you hear him coming?

Lurking around the corner, staring at you"

The three of them cried as they trembled in fear.

"Aww you guys are hurt? You need help"?

They nod immediately.

"Help somebody help them, please" Agatha screamed while laughing maniacally.

She turned her gazed at them and pointed the woman in the middle.

She walks towards her and said.

"You dumfuck, help me shout to call for help"

"Oppss pardon Meine Dame (My lady), I forgot that your eyeballs and tounge are gone, she added with a hint of sympathetic tone on her voice".

"By the way I have a present for guys since I loved y'all".

She turned on her side picked a bottle of gasoline on the shelves, then poured it to the 3 helpless women.

They screamed in agony as soon as the gas reach on their open wounds making them cry.

"Don't worry i'm gonna end all of your suffering"

The women heard the lighter's flick, and in just a blink of eye they're already in a blaze.

The three of them can be heard screaming and begging for Agatha to help them.

"Tili Tili Bom.

The silent night hides all.

He sneak up behind you and he's going to get you.

He walks.

He is coming closer"

Agatha finished the lullaby as she step outside, leaving the Stephanus Orphanage burned into ashes.

"Ihr seid Aschaum (You guys are all scum), she whispered to herself".

Nördlingen, Germany

She walked through the city of Nördlingen, before Agatha planned to left the country.

The young woman suddenly remember that her mom said, that this place became her safe haven, since this is where her mom and dad met.

This place never failed to amuse me everytime i took a visit, still fascinating she said to herself.

While she was busy admiring the city she accidentally bump into someone.

A smirk drawn on her face, when she took a glimpse on him.

He gently grab my hand and said, "Liebling, bist du verletzt? (Darling, are you hurt)".

Agatha kinda quite surprised that he's fluent in German since he looked like a foreigner.

She shook her head then respond at him, "Mir geht es gut, Herr (I'm good sir)".

The male caught her hand as he pull the woman closed then leaned closer to her.

"Du bist wunderschön (You're beautiful)".

He kissed my hand while we shared an prolonged eye contact, his alluring gazed making my both cheeks heat up.

He lifted up my chin as she felt his thumbs touches her lips, as she peered into his soul.

She can tell that he's a little bit surprised, because of her sudden bold response.

"He smirked and turned his back against me then said, well let's met again sometime Agatha Schneider", before he completely leaves,

See you next time hottie, she murmured gazing at the man's back who's walking away from her.

Tokyo, Japan

Agatha's Pov

I planned this a long time from killing those scums, learning different languages to escaping the country at the age of 20.

It's been midnight since i've arrived at japan, and my next destination is Saitama to looked for Tsutomu Miyazaki.

Walking through the city in this hour feels so relaxing while having a nostalgia, i felt like a pair of eyes was watching.

I just shaked my head multiple times, i'm just tired maybe said to myself.

After hours of searching i finally found his apartment.

I pushed the button of doorbell twice, suddenly a woman who is in the same age as me opened the door.

"Can i help you"? She asked

"Does he lives in here"? I showed her the image of Tsutomu Miyazaki.

"Uhm no sorry"..

She was about to close the door, when i suddenly pushed it with force to enter her apartment.

I slam her against the wall while covering mouth preventing her from making any noise, then used my right foot to close the door.

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