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Astral Odyssey: Dying Ember

Chapter 10 Legacy World 1.2 The Leads

Word Count: 2562    |    Released on: 19/07/2022

s, poison, martial arts,

e existence of spiritual energy. It was something that could be cultivated and

s that signified how well they have assimilated their spiritual energy into their martial arts. It consists of low, mid, and high levels. An average pers

rless in this world, people who could not cultivate were considered wastes. X

i had to first focus on studying the plants and poisons in this world. As soon as she nurs

re dawn when the servants and maids of the household would wake up and bustle ar

and very easily fe

eping through the day. Proper rest was also essential for her ver

able to stomach a little. As soon as BaoBao informed her that her mother had left the courtyard

books. Her reading speed was pretty good. It wa

ultiple crosses, she finally arrived at t

oisons and toxins. The buildup of toxins in her body ended up weakening her considerably. If this continued for t

oft image of the third concubine, her mother likely used Xinyi to make herself look like some loving self-sacrificial person, and it worked. Her father pit

e sons were valued much more, she was sure her mother would only feel assured enough if she bore a

ed meals that would help purge the toxins out. It was a good thing that her family was

e ate, she would always sweat out

argically draw her own bath using water

ing in the library until it was time

item into her routine. At the same time, BaoBao made an announcement in her min

nnouncement, she quickly

ter spitting out the "tonic" fro

y within one's body, while absorbing the free spiritual energy in

rom scratch. She must first familiarise herself with the spiritual energy within her bef

rd. On the maid's first visit, Xinyi looked and behaved very sickly and weak with the help of makeup. Acting like she was afflicted with some contagio

of the heavy sandalwood incense, changed the deep yellow curtain drapes to light gray ones that looked close t

ing breeze breathed

r, she only recently started her martial arts practice, so would take a little longer before she could determine her level. She coul

rdwork and determination. She delved herself into work and that

oBao has towards her continued to grow overtime, and

born. Hearing that it was a boy, Xinyi decided tha

avoured. Now that her mother no longer needed her to earn the pity and compassion of others, Xinyi bet

urtyard behind her house. It looked shabby but she did not mind as long as it served its purpose. Now she co

h of a neglected charac

ey like it was in her original world. Her hair was much longer

y don't lo

ide the rosiness of her cheeks, she left he

with her since they recognised

." Xinyi greeted her with a polite small bow. MeiRuo was a meek and quiet

, Chen HuiShan. At only 14 years old, Xinyi could already tell that they were blooming into fine young l

iYao would be so friendly with HuiShan

and shopping trips was often HuiShan and her mother. These opport

er mother were very well-liked, everyone decided to close one eye about their father's obvious display of fa

ainted with, there were the two people

ince, many people recognised the potential in him, including the emperor, and that e

er, who was also WangWei's trusted aide, ZhangYong. He was groomed from young to take ov

utshined ZiYao, which was part of the reason why

ral people person, and showed talent in both cultivati

t was expected in society. She was pretty, demure, sk

uld not stop comparing the gir

mind. Moreover, no one seemed to wonder how Xinyi could suddenly

beyond her courtyard from now on. She even h

n compound. No one other than Xinyi would go there since there was nothing there for anyone to sit on besid

l-month celebration was held f

s were invited, Xinyi was not expected to make an appearance. Apparently

her long hair kept up in a simple style. She did not even bother wi

and reading when BaoBao informed her of WangWei

t they could take a stroll around the estate while waiting

Their gentle facade may have fooled a dumb person into thinking that they were harmless men, but any trained person would be able to sense th

ith a slight frown on his face, he instantly raised his guard in case it was an attack against the prince. He s

out of place because of the way she dressed so simply despite today

mily is s

Just then, a clear energetic voice called out to him.

r. I didn't even notice you slinking away."

e already a genius for being a low level Heaven realm martial

g yourself? Although you're 14, you're already at th

n response, prompting Wang Wei

kground. He has already instantly forgotten about t

hind the tree in her surprise of being noticed. /And here I am, at least a

This is just the be

at he was trying to comfort her, what he sai

become a high level God real

ve something like that? Didn't you say tha

u inhabit, not your own. Also, based on the history records of hosts

n't raise your hopes up./ Xinyi was beginning to

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1 Chapter 1 Luna2 Chapter 2 Erica's Scheme3 Chapter 3 Rina4 Chapter 4 Lucas Gets Involved5 Chapter 5 Success or Failure6 Chapter 6 Victor's Visit7 Chapter 7 Sacrifice8 Chapter 8 Who Are You9 Chapter 9 Legacy World 1.1 Where Am I10 Chapter 10 Legacy World 1.2 The Leads11 Chapter 11 Legacy World 1.3 Catching ZhangYong's Interest 12 Chapter 12 Legacy World 1.4 ZiYao's Motive13 Chapter 13 Legacy World 1.5 Risks and Benefits14 Chapter 14 Legacy World 1.6 Poor Frightened Little Xinyi15 Chapter 15 Legacy World 1.7 BaoBei Precious Me 16 Chapter 16 Legacy World 1.8 I Need Your Help17 Chapter 17 Legacy World 1.9 An Accusation18 Chapter 18 Legacy World 1.10 The Truth Is Out19 Chapter 19 Legacy World 1.11 Back From A Date20 Chapter 20 Legacy World 1.12 It's Time21 Chapter 21 Legacy World 1.13 Where's Xinyi 22 Chapter 22 Legacy World 1.14 Life Goes On23 Chapter 23 Legacy World 1.15 Running From Leader Han24 Chapter 24 Legacy World 1.16 Drag It Out25 Chapter 25 Legacy World 1.17 Goodbye26 Chapter 26 BaoBao's Origin 1 Performance and Evaluation27 Chapter 27 Legacy World 2.1 Blessings, Talents, and Scums28 Chapter 28 Legacy World 2.2 Developing A New Routine29 Chapter 29 Legacy World 2.3 New Friends 30 Chapter 30 Legacy World 2.4 A New Discovery31 Chapter 31 Legacy World 2.5 A Harsh Lesson32 Chapter 32 Legacy World 2.6 An Odd Familiarity33 Chapter 33 Legacy World 2.7 Why Do I Feel This Way 34 Chapter 34 Legacy World 2.8 It's Noisy35 Chapter 35 Legacy World 2.9 Keeping It A Transaction36 Chapter 36 Legacy World 2.10 Ethan's Treat37 Chapter 37 Legacy World 2.11 A Christmas Date38 Chapter 38 Legacy World 2.12 A Gift For Alice39 Chapter 39 Legacy World 2.13 Recruiting Alice40 Chapter 40 Legacy World 2.14 Countering The Ambush41 Chapter 41 Legacy World 2.15 Trump Cards42 Chapter 42 Legacy World 2.16 Alice vs Rosalyn43 Chapter 43 Legacy World 2.17 Ethan's Wrath44 Chapter 44 BaoBao's Origin 2 The Love Of A Phoenix45 Chapter 45 Legacy World 3.1 Luna's Promise46 Chapter 46 Legacy World 3.2 Compliments47 Chapter 47 Legacy World 3.3 BaiXue's Induction