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Astral Odyssey: Dying Ember

Chapter 6 Victor's Visit

Word Count: 2208    |    Released on: 15/07/2022

things returned

restored and everyone knew by now t

hard thing to do since they had stopped throwing when E

its own war zone which functioned almost separately from the other faculties. He had already successfu

because she seemed to kill their vibe each time. Not only did she have a very slack e

ince nothing out of the ordinary was happening, she paid Lucas no attention.

ling to understand the

gled with understanding concepts that he had long ago mastered and how she

son she was. Nothing stood out about her. In fact, he found out a lot more about her siblings

she said which sounded weirdly accurate? How does she stay so calm about everything that was being done to her? Why could he

as no d

is head from side to side. Despite his full intention to return to work afte

as in full bloom in the background. It was a very pretty scene to behold but Luna looked as ordinary as

d himself unable to tea

t find the s

ened a little bit in surprise. There were some golden specks in her eyes that he never noticed b

ust the s

uld appear again. Without his realisation,

rve for long before he heard Victor's voice b

d in shock and turned towards

ed sour. He then turned his head back to loo

rned his head to look at her. After holding his gaze for a short while, she calmly b

n for people like them to pay attention to someone like her was that

am besides Erica and Ge Ge. All of a sudden Victor knows

her seat, Victor came fr

at I could find her in the library." Victor aske

you fin

malicious rumours about us again!

w do you even kno

e could

s right before you let the real culp

viously been running after him. "Victor... I told you not to be rash... You would scare the culprit of

patient because I know you're really hurtin

ed up and she cr

fter grinding his teeth together for a long time, he still could not hold himself back from promising to help the both

t got so bad that he had migraines and had to r

bolder ever since news about

would anger anyone. He also continued his search for Luna in an effort to confront her, refusing

time. It was like a vicious cycle. This made the

ed this time. Seeing how this matter may have snowballed into something

" Lucas shouted into the phone, his

t her


coming to school! She can't take it anymore!" Victor hung up the pho

g table about to finish their dinner when their do

ords if she wanted to greet their guest.

ng him... Colour me surprised if

to meet me, just tell him that we're not receiving any guests. Thank you, Sal." Lun

hed their meal, Sally

ust ignore him. He's really just a dog barking up

study the night away, she lazed on Luna's bed while browsing through the news feed of her social me

nly stay at their gate even after Sally left hi

up and went to mee

right? Son of Princip

o see Luna. Please get your daughter

of school, right?" Mr Lee crossed his arms a

et his tongue slip, "So? If your daugh

't insult our children." Mrs Lee smiled sweetly while the look in her eyes revealed her e

school? I'd very much like to speak to her." Victor ver

are you sure you want me to do that? The sc

lmed down, he realised the gravity of his actions and regretted it greatly. He did not know what came over him that

ning him? Let's just deal with the

ing for him if our Luna is the one who gets t

s ever." He grinned and h

e sure that Luna

ecently and it worried them as well. If it carried on, they would consi

a ba

d turned around t

ed past her pho

ng you but how are

he's been trying to get hold of you for a long time." Her father went str

smiled reassuringly. "I'

at each other then

good work, okay?" Her

he room. She glanced over to Erica who

sighed inwardly. /So much for p

… I'm rea

t Luna was speaking to her. She put down her phone in d

thing? I'm happy wit

nuisance? She's been chased around school and her routine's all rui

that you're always guessing when I'

a turned off the table lamp and shut her laptop, then joined E

e girl… You don't have to

her's eyes, you'll always be my little sister

h earlier, they tucked themselves

o. A thousand times worse./ Vengeful thoughts fil

p questioning her ability to chang

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1 Chapter 1 Luna2 Chapter 2 Erica's Scheme3 Chapter 3 Rina4 Chapter 4 Lucas Gets Involved5 Chapter 5 Success or Failure6 Chapter 6 Victor's Visit7 Chapter 7 Sacrifice8 Chapter 8 Who Are You9 Chapter 9 Legacy World 1.1 Where Am I10 Chapter 10 Legacy World 1.2 The Leads11 Chapter 11 Legacy World 1.3 Catching ZhangYong's Interest 12 Chapter 12 Legacy World 1.4 ZiYao's Motive13 Chapter 13 Legacy World 1.5 Risks and Benefits14 Chapter 14 Legacy World 1.6 Poor Frightened Little Xinyi15 Chapter 15 Legacy World 1.7 BaoBei Precious Me 16 Chapter 16 Legacy World 1.8 I Need Your Help17 Chapter 17 Legacy World 1.9 An Accusation18 Chapter 18 Legacy World 1.10 The Truth Is Out19 Chapter 19 Legacy World 1.11 Back From A Date20 Chapter 20 Legacy World 1.12 It's Time21 Chapter 21 Legacy World 1.13 Where's Xinyi 22 Chapter 22 Legacy World 1.14 Life Goes On23 Chapter 23 Legacy World 1.15 Running From Leader Han24 Chapter 24 Legacy World 1.16 Drag It Out25 Chapter 25 Legacy World 1.17 Goodbye26 Chapter 26 BaoBao's Origin 1 Performance and Evaluation27 Chapter 27 Legacy World 2.1 Blessings, Talents, and Scums28 Chapter 28 Legacy World 2.2 Developing A New Routine29 Chapter 29 Legacy World 2.3 New Friends 30 Chapter 30 Legacy World 2.4 A New Discovery31 Chapter 31 Legacy World 2.5 A Harsh Lesson32 Chapter 32 Legacy World 2.6 An Odd Familiarity33 Chapter 33 Legacy World 2.7 Why Do I Feel This Way 34 Chapter 34 Legacy World 2.8 It's Noisy35 Chapter 35 Legacy World 2.9 Keeping It A Transaction36 Chapter 36 Legacy World 2.10 Ethan's Treat37 Chapter 37 Legacy World 2.11 A Christmas Date38 Chapter 38 Legacy World 2.12 A Gift For Alice39 Chapter 39 Legacy World 2.13 Recruiting Alice40 Chapter 40 Legacy World 2.14 Countering The Ambush41 Chapter 41 Legacy World 2.15 Trump Cards42 Chapter 42 Legacy World 2.16 Alice vs Rosalyn43 Chapter 43 Legacy World 2.17 Ethan's Wrath44 Chapter 44 BaoBao's Origin 2 The Love Of A Phoenix45 Chapter 45 Legacy World 3.1 Luna's Promise46 Chapter 46 Legacy World 3.2 Compliments47 Chapter 47 Legacy World 3.3 BaiXue's Induction